Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Genesis 24:45-46

Vs.45- “And before I had done speaking in mine heart; behold, Rebekah came forth with her pitcher on her shoulder;”- Indicating that Rebekah was an answer to the servant’s prayer and therefore the appointed wife of Isaac.  (See Vs.15)

“and she went down unto the well, and drew water:”- (See Vs.16)

“and I said unto her, Let me drink, I pray thee.”- (See Vs.17)


Vs.46- “And she made haste, and let down her pitcher from her shoulder,”- (See Vs.18)

“and said, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also:”- (See Vs.19) 

“so I drank, and she made the camels drink also.”- (See Vs.20)


One-Line Explanation- The servant tells the family how Rebekah got water for him and his camels.


Lesson:  Recognition.  The servant praised Rebekah’s actions earlier in the day in his retelling of the story to her family.  I’m sure that Rebekah appreciated the recognition and the family was proud of their daughter’s character.  Parents enjoy hearing others brag on their children, and   everyone enjoys being recognized and appreciated for the good deeds that they do.  Some, however, make this too high of a priority and get bent out of shape if they don’t feel they are being adequately appreciated and recognized.  I have seen many people in churches get upset with the Pastor and the church because they feel that they should have been recognized for something they did or they feel that they are underappreciated.  Here are a few practical truths concerning this.  1.)  Don’t serve for the praise of men.  It is not wrong to get praised and recognized, but don’t let that be your motivation.  The Bible says that the Pharisees prayed, fasted, and gave alms for the praise of men and Jesus sharply rebuked them for this.  We should serve the Lord out of love for Him and a desire to glorify Him; recognition is just an occasional pleasant by-product.  Rebekah did what was right because she feared God and it was her character to serve.  She did not know that her actions would be rehearsed to her family.  The Bible tells us to serve God in humility and the Lord will lift us up.  Someone who is seeking praise and recognition is full of pride and God will bring that individual down, but someone who is humbly serving God with Christ-like character will be lifted up.  2.)  Give honor to whom honor is due (Rom.13:7).  If someone has done something worth praising and it is in your power to recognize them, then give them the honor that they deserve.  As parents we try to brag on our children when they do right.  A Pastor should try and recognize the hard work and sacrifice of the congregation.  A husband should praise his wife for all of her labor.  A wife, a husband, a child, a church member should do what is right because they want to please God, but it sure does help to be shown a little appreciation!   3.)  God sees the action and the motivation.  God will give you the appropriate reward.  We don’t have to worry about if the church family or the pastor or our friends recognize our service for the Lord, because we know that God sees our labor and God will reward us.  In fact most of what we do as Christians is supposed to be done in secret.  God tells us to pray in secret, give alms in secret, fast in secret and He will reward us openly.  The servant, a type of God the Spirit, recognized the character and actions of Rebekah.  You can be sure that your actions for the Lord in this world will be seen by God and when we get home to heaven they will be recognized and rehearsed in the ears of the family of God!

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