Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Genesis 24:39-40

Vs.39- “And I said unto my master, Peradventure the woman will not follow me.”- The servant continues his account of his errand.  (See Vs.5)

Vs.40- “And he said unto me, The Lord, before whom I walk,”- This recount of the story is a little different than what was said in Vs.7.  Abraham said in Vs.7, “The Lord God of heaven, which took me from my father’s house, and from the land of my kindred, and which spake unto me, and that sware unto me..”  Abraham spoke of God’s relationship to him.  God took him from his father’s house, God spoke to him, and God promised him.  The servant reveals Abraham’s relationship to God.  Abraham walked before God.  To walk before God means to be conscientious of the fact that God is always watching and to live a holy and upright life in light of that fact. 

“will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy way,”- The statement ‘and prosper thy way’ is not recorded in Vs.7.  The servant simply makes the obvious conclusion.  If he is following his master’s will and God sends an angel to direct His way then the obvious outcome would be to prosper.  Why else would God send an angel to direct his path?  Why else would the angel of God lead the servant to Rebekah? 

“and thou shalt take a wife for my son of my kindred, and of my father’s house.”-  (See Vs.7)


One-Line Explanation- The servant recounts his reservation in going on the errand and Abraham’s assurance of prosperity. 


Lesson:  1.) “The Lord, before whom I walk.”  We find walking with God and walking before God mentioned throughout Scripture.  To walk with God speaks of your relationship with God, to walk before God speaks of your conduct before God.  There are three elements to walking before God.  A.)  Confidence.  We must trust by faith and believe that God is there and God is watching.  We have not seen God, but we have confidence in His Word that He is always observing.  Faith is the foundation for everything.  The way a person believes effects the way they conduct themselves.  If a person does not believe there is a God then they will not live a holy lifestyle.  B.)  Conscientiousness.  Someone that walks before God is ever aware of His presence.  Those that walk before God are in constant realization that God is with them, God sees them, and God lives within them.  C.)  Conduct.  If we believe that God sees all things, and we are in a constant realization of that fact, then the next obvious step is appropriate conduct.  We should live a life that is holy and pleasing to God.  He sees our actions, He hears our words, He knows our thoughts, and He understands the motivation of our hearts.  We should seek to live a life that is pleasing to Him.  A child will do bad things when he doesn’t think his parents are watching, but when he is aware of his parent’s presence he is more likely to behave himself.  The Lord is always present and He always perceives, therefore we should live according to that truth.  2.)  “..and prosper thy way.”  The Lord sent and angel to guide and direct the servant to Rebekah.  God prospered his way or made his endeavor successful.  God will never lead you astray.  The servant understood that if God would direct him then the obvious conclusion was that God would prosper him.  We must understand the meaning of the word, prosper.  When we think of prospering, we think of health and wealth.  The word literally means ‘to make successful.’  This is important to understand because sometimes God leads us into time of trouble and difficulty.  Sometimes God allows us to be tested and suffer for His name.  Job was following the Lord, but was allowed to go through great trials and tribulations.  We see this truth in the life of many Bible characters and we know it to be true in our own personal lives.  How do we justify the two statements?  It seems like a contradiction to say that God’s leading always results in prospering, but God’s leading can result in suffering and persecution.  The Bible tells us in Romans 8:28- And we now that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.  The Bible doesn’t say that everything is good, but rather that everything works together for good.  We may have some potholes along the narrow road, but the final destination is for our good and His glory.  The Apostle Paul, for example, followed the leading of the Lord when he was told by the Spirit of God to go to Macedonia (Acts 16:9-10).  Paul followed the leading of the Lord and ended up beaten and in prison (Acts 16:23).  But that’s not the end of the story!  Paul is released from prison and leads the jailor and his family to Christ (Acts 16:30-33)!  Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, was falsely accused and thrown into prison, but eventually became a ruler in Egypt and saved his household.  Following God may have troubles along the way, but the end result is prosperity!  Your way will be prospered as long as you are going God’s way. 

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