Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Genesis 24:42-44

Vs.42- “And I came this day unto the well,”- After a long journey, the servant came to the well.  He rehearses in their ears the events of the day.

“and said, O Lord God of my master Abraham, if now thou do prosper my way which I go:”- The servant tells them of his prayer unto God.  His prayer is thus, “Lord, if you see fit to show me favor and make my endeavor successful then please show me some sign or evidence of such.”  (See Vs.12)


One-Line Explanation- The servant tells Rebekah’s family about his prayer at the well. 


Vs.43- “Behold, I stand by the well of water:  and it shall come to pass, that when the virgin cometh forth to draw water, and I say to her, Give me, I pray thee, a little water of thy pitcher to drink:”- The servant continues his rehearsal in their ears of his prayer earlier that day.  (See Vs.14) 


Vs.44- “And she say to me, Both drink thou, and I will also draw for thy camels:  let the same be the woman whom the Lord hath appointed out for my master’s son.”- The servant tells them of his prayer and Rebekah’s response to indicate to them that he feels God has orchestrated all of this.  (See Vs.14)


One-Line Explanation- The servant tells Rebekah’s family about his petition to God at the well.


Lesson:  1.) I believe God is in this.  In rehearsing this part of the story, the servant is making it clear to Rebekah’s family that he believes God has orchestrated the events of the day.  He believes God has directed him to Rebekah’s family and prospered his way.  It is evident in Vs.50 that the message was received and Rebekah’s family felt that God was sovereignly moving as well.  There are a few interesting thoughts about this.  A.)  Why did the servant feel that God was involved?  How did he detect the invisible hand of God moving?  I believe there are three ways he knew God was moving.  i.)  The Path.  The servant knew that he was doing his master’s will.  If we are following God’s Word and God’s promises, if we are following our Master’s will, then we can know that God will move and guide us.    ii.) The Place.  The servant was not only doing what he was supposed to, but he was also where he was supposed to be.  He said, “I being in the way…”  We know that if we follow the Lord and go where He wants us to go then we can expect His hand to move in our favor.  I believe that God calls people to specific locations and specific ministries and churches to serve the Lord.  iii.) The Prayer.  The most evident way of knowing God was moving was that the servant’s specific prayer was answered quickly and precisely.  iv.) The Person.  The servant was sent to find a relative to be Isaac’s wife.  Only a few people would qualify.  Rebekah met all of the qualifications!  When we are following God’s Word and God’s will for our lives and God answers specific prayers and works out all of the exact details; He makes  it evident that His sovereign hand is pulling the strings behind the curtain.   B.)  It is God that brings two parties together.  God used the servant, but orchestrated the events.  We must realize this truth when we are witnessing.  God uses us as servants to give out the Gospel.  Rebekah would have never married Isaac if the servant had not gone to Mesopotamia.  It is our job to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.  The servant had to go, but he could not make Rebekah choose to marry Isaac.  We must go and we must realize that we can’t save anybody.  Only the Lord can save someone.  It is the Lord that brings fallen man back into fellowship with a holy God.  Some plant, some water, but God gives the increase.  2.) ‘the woman whom the Lord hath appointed.’  The word appointed means ‘chosen; selected; fixed; set; established; decreed; ordained; constituted; allotted.”  The Lord had a woman pre-selected and chosen for Isaac.  There is no doubt that the Scripture teaches that God chooses His bride (those that will be saved).  The Bible uses the word elect or election on numerous occasions.  To elect means to choose just as we elect a president every four years.  The doctrine of election is clearly in the Scriptures and is not controversial at all, but what are controversial are the questions of how and in what manner God chooses who will be saved.  There are two main views.  A.)  The prescient view.  This is the view that God, in His omniscience, knows who will in the course of time through their own free will accept Jesus as their personal Saviour.  On the basis of this foreknowledge, God elects them to salvation before the foundation of the world (1 Pet.1:2).  This view is seen as robbing God of His sovereignty, but that is not true.  God being sovereign means that He is in control and He makes the rules.  I give my children choices all of the time.  Allowing my children a free will to choose does not rob me of my authority and leadership in their lives.  B.)  The Augustinian view.  This is the view that God is in complete control of the salvation process.  God chooses whom He will save (and those He will damn) before the foundation of the world.  God calls (effectual calling) the elect and they are drawn to salvation by irresistible grace.  It is God that grants them the faith to be saved.  In other words, God chooses who will be saved and who will be damned, it has been settled since the foundation of the world and there is nothing we can do about it either way.  This view robs man of his free will and it robs God of His love.  How can we say that God loves everybody if he elected them to damnation before the foundation of the world?  I personally believe the first view.  The Bible tells us what God basis His election on.  We are “elect according to the foreknowledge of God.”  The Bible says He hath chosen us in him (Eph.1:4).  If we want to get technical, God has chosen His Son as the way of salvation.  It is Jesus that is chosen.  We are chosen ‘in Him.”  If you are in him by trusting Him as your Saviour, then you are the elect.  The bride of the son is an appointed bride.

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