Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Genesis 24:32-33

Vs.32- “And the man came into the house:  The servant, at the insistence of Laban, comes into the house. 

“and he ungirded his camels, and gave straw and provender for the camels, and water to wash his feet, and the men’s feet that were with him.”- Laban takes the load off of the camel’s backs, feeds the camels, and gives water to the men to wash their feet.  It was a custom in these hot countries to wash the feet of travelers.  They traveled great distances in the heat with sandals on.  Their feet would be hot, dirty, and sore.  It was common hospitality to provide water for such travelers to wash their weary feet. 


One-Line Explanation- Laban takes care of the needs of the servant and his men.


Vs.33- “And there was set meat before him to eat:  but he said, I will not eat, until I have told mine errand.”- The servant is given a meal to eat, but will not partake of the food until he has told them the reason for his journey. 

“And he said, Speak on.”- Laban says this to signify that they are ready to listen to what he had to say


One-Line Explanation- The servant will not eat until he has delivered his message.


Lesson:  1.) “I will not eat, until I have told mine errand.”- The servant did not travel 400 miles to eat a meal with Abraham’s family.  He is a man on a mission and he is focused on fulfilling his purpose.  He tells the family that he will not eat until he has told them the reasons he has travelled so far.  The servant was not about to get sidetracked.  We, as the church, have a purpose.  We have been sent by the father to call out a bride for the Son of God.  We have been given the Great Commission.  We are to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.  Yet, it seems that we are easily distracted by little things.  Like this servant of Abraham’s, we need to be focused on the task at hand.  Jesus had this mindset.  His disciples went to get some food.  Jesus stayed behind at a well and spoke to a Samaritan.  The woman at the well was converted and ran into town to tell the others that she had met the Christ.  The disciples came back and offered Jesus some food.  Jesus’ response in John 4:32- But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of.”  Jesus was saying that the conversion of the Samaritans was more important than food at the moment.  The servant in this passage is saying something similar.  He says, “Food can wait, I have an important message from my Master!”  How focused are we at getting the Gospel message out?  I know some Christians that are every day soul-winners and they will not go to sleep until they have witnessed to somebody.  They are saying in effect, “I will not sleep, until I have told mine errand.”  Let us be dedicated to getting the message of the Gospel to a lost and dying world.  2.)  “Speak on.”- This statement signified that the family was ready to give their full attention to the message from the servant.  This is the attitude we need to have when God’s Word is involved.  When we do our personal devotions, we need to say “Speak on” Lord for you have my undivided attention.  Many times, unfortunately, we are thinking about other things and going through the motions of reading the Bible and could not repeat what we just read.  We need to give God our undivided attention when we read His Word.  It would be better to read one Bible verse and write out all of the ways God spoke to you through that verse than to read 10 chapters and retain nothing.  It is important that we give God our full attention if we expect for Him to speak to us.  We need to give God our full attention when the Word of God is being preached.  Many people are at church physically, but their mind is a million miles away.  God told Moses to come up to Mt. Sinai and then he says, “And be there.”  Exo.24:12a- And the Lord said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there…  God want you to be in church physically, but he also wants you to be there mentally.  God wants your attendance, but He also wants your attention.  Does God have your attention?  Are you listening to what God is trying to say to you?  We need to say, “Speak on Lord.”   

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