Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Genesis 24:26

Vs.26- “And the man bowed down his head, and worshipped the Lord.”- Abraham’s servant has promised his master that he would seek a wife for his son, he has travelled hundreds of miles on camelback to seek this wife, he has prayed and God has answered his prayer and led Rebekah to him.  The servant questions Rebekah to see if she qualifies and she has all of the necessary qualifications.  The servant is overwhelmed by God’s provision and direction; he bows his head and he worships the Lord.


One-Line Explanation:  Abraham’s servant worships God.


Lesson:  We learn much about worship in this short verse.  1.)  The Purpose of worship.  Why was the servant worshipping God?  A.)  He worshipped God for Providential Direction.  The Lord led him to Rebekah.  We too should worship God for his directing, leading, and guiding in our lives.  I praise the Lord today for how He led me to the right Bible College, He led me to my wife, and He led me to pastor Berean Baptist Church.  The Lord has never steered me wrong and I worship Him today for His divine providence and leading in my life!  B.)  He worshipped God for Prayers Answered.  The servant prayed a specific prayer concerning finding a wife for Isaac and God answered his prayer.  I worship the Lord today for prayers He has so graciously answered in my life.  I could spend hours testifying of the many prayers God has answered in my life.  What a wonderful reason to worship God!  C.)  Provision.  God has seemingly directed his steps and provided a wife for his master’s son.  I worship God for His provision in my life.  He has taken care of my every need and supplied my wants and desires as well.  We have struggled many times financially in the process of starting a church, but every time we have needed something, God has provided.  We worship and thank God for providing our daily bread, for giving us raiment (Clothes) to wear, for giving us a roof over our head, a vehicle to drive, and temporal money to use for His glory.   D.)  Prosperity.  God had seemingly prospered his way.  He found success in the task he was given.  I worship and thank God for the growth of Berean Baptist Church.  I praise Him for every soul saved, believer baptized, and family that joins.  God has prospered and grown this ministry and we worship God for the prosperity He gives us in the task.  2.)  The Posture of worship.  The word worship means “ to depress, that is, prostrate (especially reflexively in homage to royalty or God): - bow (self) down, crouch, fall down (flat), humbly beseech, do (make) obeisance, do reverence, make to stoop, worship.”  You do not have to bow to worship God, but it is an appropriate posture for worship.  Bowing illustrates a few things.  A.)  Humility.  God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.  The Bible speaks over and over again about God’s hatred for pride.  We are told to worship God in humility.  By bowing in worship, we symbolically state before God that we are not coming to Him with a heart full of pride, but rather with an awareness of our unworthiness.  B.)  Reverence.  Reverence is said to be fear mingled with respect and esteem.  Reverence is an act of respect and obeisance.  When we bow before God as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we are signifying that we understand that He is to be feared as the judge of all the earth, respected as the King of the universe, and honored for His character of perfection and holiness.  C.)  Submission.  The lesser always submits to the greater.  By bowing our heads to God, we are signifying that we understand that He is the Creator and we are the created, He is God and we are man, He is holy and we are sinful, He is King and we are servants.  This is why we bow our heads and pray.  We are humbling ourselves before God, reverencing God, and displaying our submission to God.   3.)  The Presence of Worship.  The servant was not in the tabernacle, the temple, a synagogue, or at church.  You don’t have to be in corporate worship to worship God.  The act of worship should be a daily occurrence in the life of a believer.  God is always with us and we can worship Him at all times.  God’s presence is there and therefore we can worship God wherever we are.  Our children should see us worship God in the vehicle, at the house, in church, at the workplace, etc.  Worshipping God is something that we should be doing constantly. 

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