Friday, May 24, 2013

Genesis 24:20

Vs.20- “And she hasted, and emptied her pitcher into the trough, and ran again unto the well to draw water, and drew for all the camels.”- Rebekah was quick in her efforts to water the camels.  She went quickly and emptied her container into the camel’s trough and then ran to the well and got some more water.  She continued drawing water from the well until the camels were satisfied with water. 


One-Line Explanation:  Rebekah quickly retrieves water for the servant’s camels. 


Lesson:  1.)  “And she hasted…and ran again.”  Rebekah ran to obey the request of the servant and now she is running to draw water for his camels.  She was not lazy and she was not slothful.  When she engaged in a task, she did it to the best of her ability.  She got water to these thirsty camels as quick as possible.  When it comes to the service of the Lord, there are many lost souls out there in need of the water of life.  Jesus said that He is the water that would spring up in your soul to everlasting life.  The Bible says whosoever is thirsty can come and take of the water of life freely.  This world needs water!  Physically speaking, you cannot go long without water.  You can go long periods of time without food, but you cannot last long without water.  Water is essential to life and you need the everlasting water if you want to have everlasting life.  We don’t need to be slothful or lazy when it comes to getting people the water of life.  Jesus was busy.  He said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.”(John 9:4)  We need to get the water of life to a thirsty world until it’s too late.  The King’s business requires haste!  2.)  “Emptied her pitcher.”  Rebekah emptied the pitcher of whatever was left after giving the servant a drink and then she ran back to the well to get more water and emptied her pitcher again.  She was constantly emptying her pitcher to satisfy the needs of others.  Jesus emptied himself in the sense that He gave everything for man to be saved.  Jesus was the pitcher that had the precious life giving substance; His Blood!  His vessel was broken on the cross and His blood was shed in its entirety to pay for the sins of mankind.  The Bible tells us in Phil.2:7- “But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:..”  The Greek word translated ‘made himself o no reputation’ is kenoō.  kenoō literally means ‘to make empty.’  What did Jesus empty himself of?  He did not set aside His deity or His attributes, but rather He set aside His environment of glory.  He left the throne of worship to become a man and a servant.  He left a glorified body to be found in fashion as a man.  Jesus was willing to empty His pitcher so that we could have the water of life!  We too must be willing to empty ourselves if we wish to fill the water troughs of the world.  We must empty ourselves of ourselves.  We must be empty of pride and self-will if we wish to be used of God to satisfy a world that is Gospel parched.  3.)  “Ran again to the well.”  Rebekah continually ran to the well until the camels were satisfied.  She was not satisfied until everyone was satisfied.  We cannot get satisfied with those that we have won to Christ.  There are still millions ye billions of people that need to hear the Gospel.  After we have watered one camel we must go back to the well and draw water for the next.  We must do everything we can to get the Gospel to every creature!  Have you had the opportunity to lead someone to Christ at work?  Praise the Lord!  Now go back to the well and try to win someone else to Christ at work!  Have you been privileged to lead a family member to Christ?  Praise the Lord!  Now go and win another!  How long should we continue to draw water from the well?  Until there aren’t any more thirsty camels!  How long should we be a witness?  Until there aren’t any more lost people in the world.  4.)  “And drew for all the camels.”  She did not just draw water for the majority of the camels or for a select few.  Rebekah drew water for all of the camels.  There is a false teaching out there called Limited Atonement.  This doctrine teaches that Jesus only died for a few people.  You mean to tell me that Rebekah had more compassion on a bunch of donkeys than Jesus did on man that is created in His own image?  Notice this verse in Heb.2:9- But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.  Do you know what this verse means?  It means that Jesus emptied His pitcher and He did it so that all of humanity could be saved.  Jesus loves the little children; all the children of the world!  He was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death; this is Jesus emptying Himself for us!  That he by the grace of God should taste death for every man; this is Jesus filling the spiritual trough of every camel with the water of life.  All the camel has to do is drink the water!  Jesus has supplied the water of life for every person.  All we have to do is take of the water of life freely!  You have the option to reject the water, but it has been made available for you! 

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