Vs.18- “And she said, Drink, my lord:”- The servant’s prayer was that she would respond by giving him a drink and giving his camels a drink. She has now passed test #1. By saying, “Drink, my lord,” she was saying, “You are welcome to as much water as you need.” She also called him lord. This was an honorable title to give someone. She may have called him lord as a habit of speaking respectfully or as a result of seeing the great entourage of men and camels that were with him. This man, as the servant of a very rich master, probably looked the part and was easily recognizable and someone who was important.
“and she hasted, and let down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave him drink.”- The servant ran to meet Rebekah and she hasted to give him a drink of water. She was quick to draw the water and now she is quick in responding to the request of this servant.
One-Line Explanation- Rebekah gives Abraham’s servant a drink of water.
Lesson: 1.) “Drink.” This one word implies quite a bit in this verse. A.) Obedience. She responded to the request made to her by the servant. He asked for a drink and she responded to the request. The Holy Spirit impresses upon a Christian’s heart to do things all the time. The Holy Spirit may ask us to witness to someone or to give some money to someone or even lead us move somewhere different. The Holy Spirit will convict us of our sin and lead us to get rid of worldly practices in our lives. The Christian life can actually be summed up in this statement: “Wherever He leads I will go, whatever He bids I will do.” When the Holy Spirit deals with us we simply need to obey. Rebekah was not expecting to be confronted by this servant on this particular day. This servant interrupted her schedule, if you will, but she quickly responded to the request. The Holy Spirit will interrupt our lives and schedules. Here is an important thing to remember: When the Holy Spirit interrupts your schedule, whatever He is leading you to do is more important than whatever you had planned on your schedule. In other words, the Holy Spirit’s request always trumps your busy schedule! Are you sensitive to the Holy Spirit? Do you yield to Him when He is leading or do you fight and resist? This is ever so important for the lost person. Lost person, the Holy Spirit will invade your busy schedule when you are not expecting it and tell you that now is the accepted time, behold today is the day of salvation. Don’t resist or reject the request of the Holy Spirit to be saved. The Holy Spirit is compared to a wind in the Bible and the Holy Spirit of God will not always strive with man. You better respond to the Spirit when He comes your way! You may never get saved if you don’t get saved today! B.) Willingness. The wording implies that she was basically saying, “Drink as much as you need.” She was not only obedient to the request, but she was willing to give the servant whatever he needed or desired. As we follow the Holy Spirit our attitude should be one of willingness. Many Christians say they will follow God, but only so far. Many preachers are even willing to go to any part of the US, but they are not willing to go to a foreign field. What if God calls you to a third world country? Are you willing to do whatever the Spirit lead and whatever God wants for your life? Rebekah was willing to give the servant as much water as he desired. We need to be willing to follow God no matter what He leads us to do or where He leads us to go. 2.) “My lord.” Two truths I see in this statement. A.) Respect. Rebekah spoke to the servant using respectful terms of honor. We would do well to go back to the days of saying, “Yes sir and no ma’am.” We would do well to call our pastors by their title. A pastor should not make a bid deal of being called by terms of honor and position, but a church member should be respectful of the office and use proper terms when addressing a man of God. We should use terms of honor when speaking to Police Officers, government officials, and other areas of position and leadership. We need to be respectful in our speech. B.) The Holy Spirit is GOD! He is a part of the Godhead and He is not inferior to God the Father or God the Son. The Hebrew word for lord is 'âdôn. It is a word used to describe God many times. The word means ‘master, ruler, sovereign, one who is in control whether human or divine.” The term is used for humans rulers or masters, but I think the application can be made concerning the servant as a type of the Holy Spirit in this passage. The Holy Spirit is the Lord. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all three distinct yet all three are one. The Holy Spirit is God and He is Lord. 3.) “And she hasted.” I like the fact that she not only responded, but she responded with haste. I am somewhat pleased with my children when they obey, but I am thrilled to death when they obey immediately. When she was asked for water she quickly obeyed the request of the servant. When the Holy Spirit deals with us, we don’t need to be slack in our obedience. Many times we are moved by the Spirit to witness to someone and we argue and struggle and resist until we finally give in and follow the command. Many times our delayed obedience causes us to miss the opportunities that God had for us. I was driving down the road once and the Holy Spirit began telling me to witness to someone on the side of the road. I began to give my excuses to why I didn’t have time to stop. I was basically arguing with God and continued driving. I finally gave in and turned around, but this individual was no longer there. My delayed obedience cost me the opportunity of a divine appointment. We need to get in the habit of not only obeying, but obeying the Spirit quickly and immediately.
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