Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Genesis 24:21

Vs.21- “And the man wondering at her held his peace,”- The servant is pondering and speculating the events that have just transpired.  He is wondering about… 1.)  The attributes of this young lady.  She has been courteous, humble, willing to serve, diligent, and quick in her service.  Numerous positive qualities have been displayed by this woman in a short matter of time.  2.)  The providence of God.  Providence is the care and superintendence which God exercises over His creation.  God oversees and orchestrates events to bring to pass His will.  He does this many times in accordance to the prayers of His children.  The servant’s prayer was that the Lord would lead him to the right woman for his master’s son and that the Lord would make it evident by having this woman perform certain tasks.  Rebekah was placed in the path of the servant and has performed every duty the servant requested in prayer to the Lord.  Now he is in deep thought as to whether the Lord has truly answered his prayer.  Could it be a coincidence that all of these things have come to pass just as he had prayed for them to?  Could it be that Rebekah was the answer to his prayer?  3.)  The next step.  The servant is probably thinking, “If she is the one, then what do I do now?”  He is determining in his mind if she is truly the one and if he should pursue this further.

“to wit whether the Lord had made his journey prosperous or not.”- ‘To wit’ or ‘if’ the Lord had made his journey prosperous.  His contemplation was on whether or not God had truly prospered him in his journey.


One-Line Explanation:  The servant wonders whether Rebekah is an answer to prayer or not. 


Lesson:  1.)  How do I know?  The servant prayed a specific prayer.  His prayer was that God would reveal the woman for Isaac to him by having her give him something to drink and offering water to his camels as well.  Soon after his prayer, Rebekah has come on the scene and fulfilled everything the servant prayed for and she has done so with an excellent spirit and has revealed an impeccable character.  Yet, through all of this, the servant still wonders and speculates whether she is the one or not.  I have been here many times.  I think this is just human nature.  We are prone to doubt and debate in our minds.  I have prayed specific prayers also, and God has answered those prayers just as I desired, but yet I struggled in my mind whether it was really the Lord or if it was just circumstances.  There are a few indicators here that tell us how the servant knew these events were God’s providence in answer to prayer and not merely circumstance.  A.)  The events that transpired.  You could probably debate whether it was circumstance or not concerning Rebekah’s willingness to give the servant a drink of water upon his request, but the fact that she offered his camels drink as well, just as he had prayed, is not usual.  For example, I was working at a church in Lewisville, TX.  The church was an older church and was in need of a renewed vision for reaching the younger generation.  The pastor put me in charge of the scheduled soul-winning my first week at the church.  I scheduled the soul-winning time for 10:00 AM on Saturday.  I was praying all week that God would help us to get some young people into our church.  I drove to the church that morning and every route to the church was blocked off.  I had no idea what was going on.  I had to park a block away and walk to the church.  It just so happened that that morning was the high school parade through town.  The parade with all of the floats started right in front of our church and the road was blocked off.  I felt like such an idiot!  None of our soul-winners were going to be able to get to the church.  I waited at the church and sure enough no one showed up.  As I was sitting at the church feeling like a failure, a tornado siren went off and it began to rain very heavily.  Everyone was instructed to find shelter immediately.  The leaders of the floats came to me and asked if I would let the young people into the church.  I got out my key and opened the door and let in 300-400 teenagers.  God answered my prayer literally!  Through the duration of the storm I went from one group to another witnessing to them and inviting them to our church.  I have seen God work circumstances in my favor according to my prayers many times.  I don’t believe this was coincidence.  I believe it was the providence of God.  B.)  Timing.  The text seems to indicate that Rebekah showed up fairly soon after the servant’s prayer.  God will use timing to reveal His providence to us.  There have been many occasions that God has given us the money we needed right when we needed.  Couldn’t God give us the money earlier?  Yes, but then we wouldn’t know that it was God in His providence coming through for us.  God reveals Himself to us by coming through right on time.  God’s timing reveals God’s providence.  2.)  Give it some thought.  This servant is about to make a very important decision.  This decision involves the life partner of his master’s son.  It also involves choosing one of the matriarchs in the Messianic line.  The promise of blessing is through Isaac.  The servant has a very important job to do and a very important decision to make.  I do not criticize him for stopping for a second and thinking about what has transpired before he proceeds any further.  Don’t ever jump too hastily.  It is great wisdom to stop and think about your current situation and decisions that have to be made before you make an important decision.  Stop and think before you choose your career, stop and think before you pick the college you will spend the next four years or more, stop and think before you choose a life partner.  I am amazed at the women who marry abusive and ungodly men and say that they didn’t know him that well when they got married.  Shouldn’t you stop and think and consider such things before making such a monumental life decision?  I am convinced that the majority of sins committed would be avoided if the person involved would take a minute and consider the consequences before engaging in the activity.  Stop and ponder before you act.

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