Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Genesis 24:17

Vs.17- “And the servant ran to meet her, and said, Let me, I pray thee, drink a little water of thy pitcher.”- The servant’s prayer was that the Lord would reveal the right woman to him.  He prayed, “let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down  thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also:  let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac.”  Rebekah has come out to the well and drawn water and is returning to her family.  The servant, upon noticing this, ran quickly to meet her.  He had just prayed for God’s guidance and now he wanted to put this woman to the test.  He asked her for water from his pitcher.  He did not ask her because he was thirsty, but because he was testing her to see if she was the one appointed for Isaac.


One-Line Explanation- The servant runs to Rebekah and asks for water.


Lesson:  1.)  “The servant ran to meet her.”  We have seen some wonderful characteristics concerning God’s will and man’s responsibility in through the life of this servant.  The servant was… A.)  Submissive to his master’s will.  We also should submit to whatever God has for us.  B.)  Specific with his prayer request.  He was seeking God’s will while following his master’s bidding.  This was not selfish praying, but was supplication for another.  He asked God for something specific and was looking for God’s answer.  C.)  Swift in doing his part.  The servant ran to meet Rebekah.  He did not walk or jog.  He was quick to do his part.  I am amazed at people who are supposedly seeking God’s will for their life, but they just pray and then sit around and do nothing.  While waiting on God to answer our prayers, we should be quick to respond to anything and everything that may be God’s leading.  For example, I went to college with many men who were seeking a godly wife.  This was an honorable request.  The bible says that he that finds a wife finds a good thing.  They would pray and pray and pray and pray.  Some of them are still at college today, praying for a wife.  They never spoke with any of the young ladies!  I guess they were expecting God to just throw their future spouse into their laps.  Abraham was praying for a wife for his son, but he sent a servant to his home land.  He did something about the situation.  He did his part and trusted the Lord to do the rest.  He did what he could do and trusted the Lord to do what he could not.  The servant was praying for God to help him find a wife for his servant, but he ran to meet the first woman he saw.  When I was single, I was praying for the Lord to send me a wife, but I was also keeping an eye out and trying to meet people.  I knew God would do His part, but I wanted to make sure that I did my part.  By the way, God did His part in your salvation by dying on the cross for your sins.  You must do your part and trust Him as your Saviour if you want to spend eternity in heaven!  The servants running revealed a few things.   i.)  Faith.  He was revealing that he trusted God to answer his prayer.  The old saying is, “IF you really believe God is going to answer your prayer for rain then bring an umbrella.”  Some people reveal that they don’t trust God to answer their prayers because they never look for an answer to their request.  The servant prayed and was expecting God to answer.  He was looking for the answer and ran to find out if Rebekah was the answer to his prayer.   When you pray for God to allow you to win someone to Christ, do you run to the telephone to call them?  Do you run to the next opportunity to go soul-winning because you are confident that God will answer your prayer?  Are you looking at people throughout the day and wondering, “Is that my divine appointment for the day?”  We say we believe, but if we do not run looking for the answer then we are just deceiving ourselves.  ii.)  Sincerity.  Running to meet this woman revealed that the servant was sincere in his desire to find a wife for his master’s son.  If someone tells me they want help with something, but they don’t make it a priority to quickly get the problem resolved; it reveals to me that they aren’t that sincere.  If you are a young person in a relationship, it is not a good sign if you call or text your courting partner and they don’t respond for hours at a time consistently.  If they are consistently slow in contacting you then they are not sincere.  When I was courting my wife, I could not wait to talk with her.  I was always looking at my phone to see if she called or texted me.  If I was unable to contact her at the time, then I would call her back as soon as I was able.  I was sincerely in love with her!  If you pray that God would bless your church, but you don’t run at every opportunity to serve in the church then you are not sincere.  If you pray for souls to be saved, but you do not run at every opportunity to be a witness then you are not sincere.  If you claim that you love the USA, but don’t run to the voting polls then you are not sincere.  The servant sincerity was proven by his haste.              
2.)  The servant asked for water, not because he was thirsty, but because he was testing Rebekah to see if she was the one.  God did not ask Adam a question in the Garden of Eden because He didn’t know the answer.  He asked Adam a question to test Adam.  God doesn’t tempt his servants, but He sure does test them.  God asks us to give our tithes and offerings.  Does God need our money?  No, God does not need our money just as this servant did not need Rebekah’s water.  God asks us to give our money to show and display and prove our love for Him.  Tithing is a test of your love for God and you are faced with that test every time you get a paycheck.  The servant, a type of the Holy Spirit, asked her to give something and, as we will find out, she did give without hesitation or reservation.  When the Spirit asks you to give something, just be obedient and follow His leading. 

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