Saturday, October 5, 2013


Vs.37- “And my master made me swear; saying, Thou shalt not take a wife to my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose land I dwell:”- The servant relays the oath his master made him take, and the charge he gave him.  (Gen.24:3)

Vs.38- “But thou shalt go unto my father’s house, and to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son.”- The servant continues to tell his errand and repeat in their hearing his master’s command to him (Gen.24:4).  The family is now beginning to understand the servant’s purpose in meeting with them.  The servant will continue to relay the story through vs.48.


One-Line Explanation- The servant relays to Rebekah’s family the oath Abraham caused him to make.


Lesson:  1.)  The Spirit’s Message.  Eliezer, a type of the Holy Spirit, simply relays the message given to him by Abraham.  John 16:13- Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:  for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak:  and he will shew you things to come.  The Holy Trinity never acts independently.  All three parts of the Godhead are in tune and work harmoniously in salvation’s plan.  The Holy Spirit only speaks those things that are given Him to speak by the Father; just as Eliezer simply repeated the message given by Abraham.  John 14:10- Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?  The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself:  but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.  Jesus also spoke the exact words that the Father had for Him to speak.  I am told by people all of the time that the Spirit led them to do something.  They will tell me of some crazy endeavor or doctrine that they now believe because the Spirit told them or led them.  This Biblical principle must be understood.  Jesus and the Word of God cannot be separated.  Jesus is the Word of God incarnate.  He is called the Word of God on numerous occasions.  The Godhead never acts independently.  The Spirit is the author of the Word of God and Jesus is the Word of God incarnate.  THE SPIRIT WILL NEVER LEAD YOU OR TEACH YOU CONTRARY TO THE CLEAR TEACHINGS OF THE WORD OF GOD.  The Spirit of God relays the message of the Father and is in harmony with the Son.  People talk about some experience they had and attribute that experience to the Holy Spirit.  I will respond by saying, “Where do you get that belief or practice from in the Bible?  Is there a passage of Scripture that teaches that?”  They will respond by saying no, but they know what they felt and they know what they experienced.  They are confident that The Spirit did something to them or through them.  I am quick to tell them that it was not The Spirit, but it very well could have been A spirit.  1 John 4:1- Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God:  because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  The Bible tells us that the spirit of Anti-Christ is already in the world.  Just because you felt a spirit doesn’t mean that it was God’s Spirit.  We are commanded to test or try the spirits to see if they are of God.  If some spiritual experience you had causes you to believe or practice things contrary to the Bible then it is not the Spirit of God!  The Holy Spirit will always be faithful to the message and the errand given by the Father!  2.)  The Spirit’s Role.  I hope you have realized the typology used in this passage by now.  Abraham represents God the Father, Isaac represents God the Son, and the servant represents God the Spirit.  It is said of the servant that ‘he ruled over all that he had’ (Vs.2).  It is said of the son ‘unto him hath he given all that he hath.’  The Son of God owns all that the Father has and the Spirit of God manages all that the Father has.  The Godhead is co-equal, but all three parts of the Godhead definitely have different roles.  The Son has been given authority over all creation.  It is all created by Him and for Him.  Salvation is found in the Son.  It is the Son that will rule and judge the earth.  The Spirit has three jobs I see in this passage. A.)  Relays the message.  It is the Spirit of God who gave us the written content and the inward conviction. 2 Pet.1:21- For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of men:  but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.  John 16:8- And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.  The Holy Spirit gave us the Bible.  He gave us the Words of God by moving on men to write Scripture.  He also reproves us, or convicts us.  The word convict literally means to convince.  The Spirit gives us the Scriptures to read outwardly and then works on us inwardly to convince us of its truth!  The Holy Spirit manages the message.  B.)  Resides in the Believer.  Eliezer not only relayed the message to the family, but he also stayed with them in their home.  When we accept the Gospel message then the Holy Spirit takes up residence inside of us.  The Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit dwells within us.  We call this the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Once we have accepted Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit who comes to live inside of us and He helps us to live the Christian life on a daily basis.  Whether or not we live right depends on whether or not we allow the Spirit to have control in our lives.  C.)  Restrains the corruption.  2 Thes.2:7- For the mystery of iniquity doth already work:  only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.  The Bible teaches that the spirit of Anti-Christ and apostasy is already in the world, but it is being restrained.  The word let in the King James means to withhold or restrain.  The Holy Spirit is restraining the spirit of Anti-Christ from taking over and corrupting this world in complete lawlessness and rebellion against God.  The Spirit will one day be taken out of this world and that is when the Anti-Christ will come to power.  I personally believe that this takes place at the rapture of the church.  The Holy Spirit, therefore, has a restraining ministry.  He manages this world and keeps this world from being taken over by evil and corruption.  Eliezer is with Rebekah, a type of the church, for now, but he will eventually take Rebekah back to the Father’s house to be with the Son!  And we say like John, “Even so come Lord Jesus.” 

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