Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Genesis 24:49

Vs.49- “And now if ye will deal kindly and truly with my master, tell me:”- The servant, addressing the whole family, but Bethuel and Laban in particular, says in essence, “Let me know at once if you will do this kindness and favor for my master Abraham.”  He has stated his business and reason for being there and now wants to know what their decision is on this matter.  He asks if they will deal kingly and truly with Abraham.  The servant is not intimating that if they refuse to give Rebekah in marriage that they are being false and unkind.  By asking if they will deal kindly with Abraham, he is asking if they will do this kindness and special favor for his master.  The Hebrew word, אמת ('emeth), which translates ‘truly’ means  stability; figuratively certainty, truth, trustworthiness: - assured (-ly), establishment, faithful, right, sure, true (-ly, -th), verity.’  By asking if they will deal truly with his master, he is asking if he will give Abraham stability, certainty, and a promise that can be trusted concerning the issue of finding a wife for Isaac.  For example, if a wife is said to be dealing truly with her husband then she is a wife who has established trust, certainty, and stability in the marriage.   


“and if not, tell me:  that I may turn to the right hand, or to the left.”- The servant then says, “If you are not going to give Rebekah to Isaac in marriage then tell me so I can know which direction to go from here.”  The servant has now given the message and the decision rests on the shoulder of the family.  The servant needed an answer so that he could know what step to take next in his endeavor.  This expression ‘turn to the right hand, or to the left’ can mean one of two things.  1.)  If they said no, then he would seek out another woman of the kindred of Abraham.  There were other options beside Rebekah.  2.)  If they said no, the servant would return to Abraham and be loosed from his oath. 


One-Line Explanation- The servant seeks an answer to his proposal concerning Rebekah. 


Lesson:  1.)  Seeking a response.  The servant has come to the family and told them of his master’s desire to call out a bride for his son.  The servant now brings them to a point of decision.  He says, “If ye will, tell me: and if not, tell me.”  The Holy Spirit, likewise, comes to us with the message of salvation from the Father.  The Spirit tells us that it is God’s desire to make us a part of the bride of Christ.  We are brought to a point of decision.  Will we accept the Son’s proposal or will we deny the Son of God?  God is in the business of bringing people to a point of decision.  We too, as co-laborers with Christ, ought to be in the business of bringing people to a point of decision.  It is our job as soul-winners to give out the Gospel and then shift the burden onto the listener and tell them of their need to make a decision concerning Christ.  2.)  ‘Deal kindly and truly with my master.’  If Rebekah and her family accepted the proposal made then they were said to be dealing kindly and truly with the master.  They would be showing him kindness and establishing a contract of trust and surety.  It is God that shows us kindness and establishes surety of eternal life at the point of salvation.  However, I would venture to say that the greatest kindness man can do for God is to accept the love gift of salvation.  God receives glory and rejoices when a sinner comes to Christ for salvation.  When we put our trust in Christ, we then become established and sure that death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  (Rom.8:38-39).  3.)  ‘That I may turn to the right hand or to the left.’  The decision of the family determined the direction of the servant.  He wanted to know their answer so that he could determine the next course of action to be taken.  A.)  Concerning salvation.  The decision you make when the Spirit of God convicts you about your need of a Saviour will determine the direction of the Spirit.  God’s Spirit will not always strive with man.  You would do well to accept Christ when the Spirit is dealing with you.  The old hymn says, “While on others thou art calling, do not pass me by.”  To reject the Spirit of God is a dangerous practice.  You are playing Russian roulette with your own soul.  Your decision not only determines the direction of the Spirit, but the direction of your soul.  The Bible says in Matt.25:31-46 that the Lord will separate the sheep from the goats.  Matt.25:34- Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.  Matt.25:41- Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.  You will notice that the sheep on the right hand went to heaven and the goats on the left hand went to hell.  The two categories are separated by what they did when the Spirit came with a proposal to take the Son of God as their Saviour.  B.)  Concerning service.  Once a Christian is saved, it is to be their daily lifestyle to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in their lives.  Whether or not you are an effective and useful servant in the kingdom of God will depend on how you respond to the leading of the Spirit in your life.  The Spirit will lead you to give out the Gospel, to reconcile with those you are at odds with, to repent when you have sinned, and to give up worldly goods and comforts for the sake of the kingdom.  Are you willing to follow the leading of the Spirit in your life?  Let us determine to be Spirit-filled (Spirit controlled) Christians.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Genesis 24:47-48

Vs.47- “And I asked her, and said, Whose daughter art thou?”- (See Vs.23)

“And she said, The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor’s son, whom Milcah bare unto him:” The servant tells the family this to signify that he believes Rebekah to be God’s choice, because she was a direct answer to his prayer in giving water to him and his camels, and also because she qualified as a relative of Abraham (See Vs.24). 

“and I put the earring upon her face, and the bracelets upon her hands.”- This gives us a little bit more insight.  The servant not only gave the jewelry to Rebekah, but he also put them on her (See Vs.22)


Vs.48- “And I bowed down my heard, and worshipped the Lord,”- (See Vs.26)

“and blessed the Lord God of my master Abraham, which had led me in the right way to take my master’s brother’s daughter unto his son.”- Again, the servant makes it very clear that he believes Rebekah to be God’s choice for Isaac (See Vs.27.) 


One-Line Explanation- The servant tells the family how he worshipped the Lord for directing his way when he found out that Rebekah was of the kindred of Abraham. 


Lesson:  1.)  The servant gives clear indications to the family that Rebekah is God’s choice for Isaac.  How did he make this truth known?  The way that the servant indicated the choosing of Rebekah is the same way the Spirit indicates that we have been chosen (saved.).  A.)  The presence.  The fact that the servant came to their house to speak with them indicates that he believes Rebekah is the one.  How do I know that I am saved?  How do I know that I am one of the elect (chosen)?  The answer:  Do you have the inward witness of the Holy Spirit?  When someone gets saved, then the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within them and bears witness that they are the sons of God.  Romans 8:16- The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.”  We know that we are saved by the inner witness of the Holy Spirit.  B.)  The Prompting.  The servant came to Rebekah and asked her to do something and she responded.  The Holy Spirit comes to us and convicts us and prompts us to repent and put our faith in Jesus Christ.  When the Spirit of God came your way did you obey and put your faith in Christ?  C.)  The Prayer.  The servant prayed and Rebekah was an immediate answer to his specific prayer.  How do I know I’m saved?  God promised to answer your call for salvation.  If you called in faith and sincerity then you can be sure that you are saved.  Romans 10:13- For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  God promised that if you would call on Him, specifically asking for salvation, then He would hear you and save you.  D.)   The Pedigree.  She qualified to be Isaac’s wife because she was in the right family.  We become part of God’s family when we are born again.  God becomes our heavenly Father and other Christians become our brothers and sisters.  The Bible tells us that if we have been saved then we will have a love for God’s people.  Do you love your brothers and sisters in Christ?  1 John 3:14- We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren.  He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.  E.)  The Prize.  Rebekah was given bracelets and an earring.  The servant gave these gifts to her because he felt that she was the one chosen by God.  The Spirit of God gives us the Spiritual gifts to exercise in the body of Christ.  The Spiritual gifts are listed in Romans 12:6-8.  Do you have spiritual gifts given by God?  The Spirit only gives these gifts to those who are believers.  F.)  The Praise.  The servant worshipped God for leading him and guiding him.  The Spirit likewise leads people to worship God.  The only people who can truly worship God are those who are indwelt by the Spirit (saved) and filled with the spirit (controlled.) John 4:23-24- But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth:  for the Father seeketh such to worship him.  (Vs.24)  God is a Spirit:  and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Do you have the inner witness of the Spirit?  Can you remember the prompting of the Holy Spirit in your life?  Do you remember calling on Jesus for salvation?  Do you love God’s people?  Do you have spiritual gifts that you exercise?  Do you desire to give God worship and praise?  The answer to these questions will tell you whether or not you are God’s child.  2.)  “..and I put the earring upon her face.”  The gifts were not only given to Rebekah by the servant, but they were placed on Rebekah by the servant.  The servant, a type of the Holy Spirit, placed the gifts on the body of Rebekah, a type of the bride of Christ.  The Spirit not only gives gifts to the body of Christ, but he gives those gifts to specific individuals and places them in specific bodies (local churches) as He sees fit.  I believe God calls people to serve and work in specific locations and in specific churches.  The Bible says that the church is like a body and we need every body part for the body to function properly.  Not everyone is the eye, not everyone is the foot, not everyone is the mouth, etc.  The Holy Spirit gives different gifts to different people and then places the right combination in a local church.  He places the gifts on the body in the exact spot they need to be! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Genesis 24:45-46

Vs.45- “And before I had done speaking in mine heart; behold, Rebekah came forth with her pitcher on her shoulder;”- Indicating that Rebekah was an answer to the servant’s prayer and therefore the appointed wife of Isaac.  (See Vs.15)

“and she went down unto the well, and drew water:”- (See Vs.16)

“and I said unto her, Let me drink, I pray thee.”- (See Vs.17)


Vs.46- “And she made haste, and let down her pitcher from her shoulder,”- (See Vs.18)

“and said, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also:”- (See Vs.19) 

“so I drank, and she made the camels drink also.”- (See Vs.20)


One-Line Explanation- The servant tells the family how Rebekah got water for him and his camels.


Lesson:  Recognition.  The servant praised Rebekah’s actions earlier in the day in his retelling of the story to her family.  I’m sure that Rebekah appreciated the recognition and the family was proud of their daughter’s character.  Parents enjoy hearing others brag on their children, and   everyone enjoys being recognized and appreciated for the good deeds that they do.  Some, however, make this too high of a priority and get bent out of shape if they don’t feel they are being adequately appreciated and recognized.  I have seen many people in churches get upset with the Pastor and the church because they feel that they should have been recognized for something they did or they feel that they are underappreciated.  Here are a few practical truths concerning this.  1.)  Don’t serve for the praise of men.  It is not wrong to get praised and recognized, but don’t let that be your motivation.  The Bible says that the Pharisees prayed, fasted, and gave alms for the praise of men and Jesus sharply rebuked them for this.  We should serve the Lord out of love for Him and a desire to glorify Him; recognition is just an occasional pleasant by-product.  Rebekah did what was right because she feared God and it was her character to serve.  She did not know that her actions would be rehearsed to her family.  The Bible tells us to serve God in humility and the Lord will lift us up.  Someone who is seeking praise and recognition is full of pride and God will bring that individual down, but someone who is humbly serving God with Christ-like character will be lifted up.  2.)  Give honor to whom honor is due (Rom.13:7).  If someone has done something worth praising and it is in your power to recognize them, then give them the honor that they deserve.  As parents we try to brag on our children when they do right.  A Pastor should try and recognize the hard work and sacrifice of the congregation.  A husband should praise his wife for all of her labor.  A wife, a husband, a child, a church member should do what is right because they want to please God, but it sure does help to be shown a little appreciation!   3.)  God sees the action and the motivation.  God will give you the appropriate reward.  We don’t have to worry about if the church family or the pastor or our friends recognize our service for the Lord, because we know that God sees our labor and God will reward us.  In fact most of what we do as Christians is supposed to be done in secret.  God tells us to pray in secret, give alms in secret, fast in secret and He will reward us openly.  The servant, a type of God the Spirit, recognized the character and actions of Rebekah.  You can be sure that your actions for the Lord in this world will be seen by God and when we get home to heaven they will be recognized and rehearsed in the ears of the family of God!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Genesis 24:42-44

Vs.42- “And I came this day unto the well,”- After a long journey, the servant came to the well.  He rehearses in their ears the events of the day.

“and said, O Lord God of my master Abraham, if now thou do prosper my way which I go:”- The servant tells them of his prayer unto God.  His prayer is thus, “Lord, if you see fit to show me favor and make my endeavor successful then please show me some sign or evidence of such.”  (See Vs.12)


One-Line Explanation- The servant tells Rebekah’s family about his prayer at the well. 


Vs.43- “Behold, I stand by the well of water:  and it shall come to pass, that when the virgin cometh forth to draw water, and I say to her, Give me, I pray thee, a little water of thy pitcher to drink:”- The servant continues his rehearsal in their ears of his prayer earlier that day.  (See Vs.14) 


Vs.44- “And she say to me, Both drink thou, and I will also draw for thy camels:  let the same be the woman whom the Lord hath appointed out for my master’s son.”- The servant tells them of his prayer and Rebekah’s response to indicate to them that he feels God has orchestrated all of this.  (See Vs.14)


One-Line Explanation- The servant tells Rebekah’s family about his petition to God at the well.


Lesson:  1.) I believe God is in this.  In rehearsing this part of the story, the servant is making it clear to Rebekah’s family that he believes God has orchestrated the events of the day.  He believes God has directed him to Rebekah’s family and prospered his way.  It is evident in Vs.50 that the message was received and Rebekah’s family felt that God was sovereignly moving as well.  There are a few interesting thoughts about this.  A.)  Why did the servant feel that God was involved?  How did he detect the invisible hand of God moving?  I believe there are three ways he knew God was moving.  i.)  The Path.  The servant knew that he was doing his master’s will.  If we are following God’s Word and God’s promises, if we are following our Master’s will, then we can know that God will move and guide us.    ii.) The Place.  The servant was not only doing what he was supposed to, but he was also where he was supposed to be.  He said, “I being in the way…”  We know that if we follow the Lord and go where He wants us to go then we can expect His hand to move in our favor.  I believe that God calls people to specific locations and specific ministries and churches to serve the Lord.  iii.) The Prayer.  The most evident way of knowing God was moving was that the servant’s specific prayer was answered quickly and precisely.  iv.) The Person.  The servant was sent to find a relative to be Isaac’s wife.  Only a few people would qualify.  Rebekah met all of the qualifications!  When we are following God’s Word and God’s will for our lives and God answers specific prayers and works out all of the exact details; He makes  it evident that His sovereign hand is pulling the strings behind the curtain.   B.)  It is God that brings two parties together.  God used the servant, but orchestrated the events.  We must realize this truth when we are witnessing.  God uses us as servants to give out the Gospel.  Rebekah would have never married Isaac if the servant had not gone to Mesopotamia.  It is our job to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.  The servant had to go, but he could not make Rebekah choose to marry Isaac.  We must go and we must realize that we can’t save anybody.  Only the Lord can save someone.  It is the Lord that brings fallen man back into fellowship with a holy God.  Some plant, some water, but God gives the increase.  2.) ‘the woman whom the Lord hath appointed.’  The word appointed means ‘chosen; selected; fixed; set; established; decreed; ordained; constituted; allotted.”  The Lord had a woman pre-selected and chosen for Isaac.  There is no doubt that the Scripture teaches that God chooses His bride (those that will be saved).  The Bible uses the word elect or election on numerous occasions.  To elect means to choose just as we elect a president every four years.  The doctrine of election is clearly in the Scriptures and is not controversial at all, but what are controversial are the questions of how and in what manner God chooses who will be saved.  There are two main views.  A.)  The prescient view.  This is the view that God, in His omniscience, knows who will in the course of time through their own free will accept Jesus as their personal Saviour.  On the basis of this foreknowledge, God elects them to salvation before the foundation of the world (1 Pet.1:2).  This view is seen as robbing God of His sovereignty, but that is not true.  God being sovereign means that He is in control and He makes the rules.  I give my children choices all of the time.  Allowing my children a free will to choose does not rob me of my authority and leadership in their lives.  B.)  The Augustinian view.  This is the view that God is in complete control of the salvation process.  God chooses whom He will save (and those He will damn) before the foundation of the world.  God calls (effectual calling) the elect and they are drawn to salvation by irresistible grace.  It is God that grants them the faith to be saved.  In other words, God chooses who will be saved and who will be damned, it has been settled since the foundation of the world and there is nothing we can do about it either way.  This view robs man of his free will and it robs God of His love.  How can we say that God loves everybody if he elected them to damnation before the foundation of the world?  I personally believe the first view.  The Bible tells us what God basis His election on.  We are “elect according to the foreknowledge of God.”  The Bible says He hath chosen us in him (Eph.1:4).  If we want to get technical, God has chosen His Son as the way of salvation.  It is Jesus that is chosen.  We are chosen ‘in Him.”  If you are in him by trusting Him as your Saviour, then you are the elect.  The bride of the son is an appointed bride.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Genesis 24:41

Vs.41- “Then shalt thou be clear from this my oath, when thou comest to my kindred; and if they give not thee one, thou shalt be clear from my oath.”- The servant is free from the pledge he made if the family of Abraham refuses to give a wife to Isaac.  (See Vs.8)  The servant’s errand in coming has now been made abundantly clear. 


One-Line Explanation- The servant rehearses that his oath is voided if the family refuses to give a wife to Isaac. 


Lesson:  1.)  “If they give not thee one..”  Vs.8 says, “And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee..”  Both of these actions take place in a marriage.  When my wife and I got married, she chose to be my bride, but her family also gave her away.  What that means is that I had her heart and their blessing.  Both of these are essential if you want to have the right start and foundation to a marriage.  There are some key principles concerning this.  A.)  You are marrying his/her family.  I have known of marriages that were the result of running away and eloping against the parent’s will.  One marriage I’m thinking of in particular ended in divorce.  You cannot marry someone and expect to ostracize them from their family.  My wife loves her family.  When I married her, I entered into a relationship with her family.  I am part of her family now and she is part of my family.  We take trips to Mississippi (where my wife is from) constantly.  I had to develop a relationship with her parents, her siblings, her aunts, her uncles, etc. before we got married and even more so afterward.  Some say, “Well, I just can’t stand his/her family.”  You may need to consider that diligently before deciding to enter into a marriage.  If your spouse or prospective spouse like you ought to, then you should be willing to strive and work at having a God-honoring relationship with your spouse’s family.  B.)  You ought to have her family’s blessings before you get married.  This is the idea of giving a bride away.  I am old fashioned.  I believe that a young man should ask the parents or guardians of the young lady for permission to have her hand in marriage.  Sneaking behind the backs of the parents and eloping is dishonest and dishonoring.  The bible teaches us that we are to honor our parents.  This is not just a command to young children, but to every one of all ages.  I am to honor my parents now as a 28 year old married man.  It is very dishonoring to your parents to go against their will and do something of such significance behind their back.  I believe that if you don’t have the parent’s blessing then you don’t have God’s blessings.  Why would God bless you for dishonoring your parents?  I would not marry a woman if I did not have her parent’s blessings.  I have found that if you are the good Christian young man that you are supposed to be then, on most occasions, they do not have a problem giving you permission.  There are occasions where a young woman may have been reared in a Muslim home, for example, and been converted.  Her parents may be completely opposed to the idea of her marrying a Christian man.  I personally believe that there are exceptions to the rule.  Just like divorce, it is never God’s perfect design, but there are times where God allows it.  I don’t promote going against a parent’s will in marriage, but there are rare exceptions to the rule.  If a former Muslim, Jehovah’s Witness, Mormon, etc. gets converted and wants to marry a born-again Christian and the parents want them to marry someone who is a part of their cult, should the young woman not marry?  I personally believe that this would be an exception to the general rule.  The young man should make sure that he feels she is God’s will for his life and should make every attempt to have a positive and respectful relationship with her family.  2.)  The individual must be willing to go and the family must be willing to give.  I thought about the application of this principle to missions.  Paul was called by the Holy Spirit to be a missionary.  Paul surrendered to the call and willingly went to the mission field and the church also sent Paul and Barnabas out (Acts 13:1-3).  Paul and Barnabas were willing to go and the church was willing to give them to the Lord.  I’m sure Paul and Barnabas were a great blessing to the church at Antioch, but God had called them to a work.   The church was not selfish, but rather was willing to give their faithful servants to the Lord.  When it comes to missions there must be going and there must be giving.  We give our money to help support the missionaries, we give our time and go help on the mission field, and sometimes we must be willing to give our friends and family over to the Lord to follow the calling God has placed on their life.  If God calls us to the foreign mission field then we must be willing to go.  There must be a willingness to go and a willingness to give.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Genesis 24:39-40

Vs.39- “And I said unto my master, Peradventure the woman will not follow me.”- The servant continues his account of his errand.  (See Vs.5)

Vs.40- “And he said unto me, The Lord, before whom I walk,”- This recount of the story is a little different than what was said in Vs.7.  Abraham said in Vs.7, “The Lord God of heaven, which took me from my father’s house, and from the land of my kindred, and which spake unto me, and that sware unto me..”  Abraham spoke of God’s relationship to him.  God took him from his father’s house, God spoke to him, and God promised him.  The servant reveals Abraham’s relationship to God.  Abraham walked before God.  To walk before God means to be conscientious of the fact that God is always watching and to live a holy and upright life in light of that fact. 

“will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy way,”- The statement ‘and prosper thy way’ is not recorded in Vs.7.  The servant simply makes the obvious conclusion.  If he is following his master’s will and God sends an angel to direct His way then the obvious outcome would be to prosper.  Why else would God send an angel to direct his path?  Why else would the angel of God lead the servant to Rebekah? 

“and thou shalt take a wife for my son of my kindred, and of my father’s house.”-  (See Vs.7)


One-Line Explanation- The servant recounts his reservation in going on the errand and Abraham’s assurance of prosperity. 


Lesson:  1.) “The Lord, before whom I walk.”  We find walking with God and walking before God mentioned throughout Scripture.  To walk with God speaks of your relationship with God, to walk before God speaks of your conduct before God.  There are three elements to walking before God.  A.)  Confidence.  We must trust by faith and believe that God is there and God is watching.  We have not seen God, but we have confidence in His Word that He is always observing.  Faith is the foundation for everything.  The way a person believes effects the way they conduct themselves.  If a person does not believe there is a God then they will not live a holy lifestyle.  B.)  Conscientiousness.  Someone that walks before God is ever aware of His presence.  Those that walk before God are in constant realization that God is with them, God sees them, and God lives within them.  C.)  Conduct.  If we believe that God sees all things, and we are in a constant realization of that fact, then the next obvious step is appropriate conduct.  We should live a life that is holy and pleasing to God.  He sees our actions, He hears our words, He knows our thoughts, and He understands the motivation of our hearts.  We should seek to live a life that is pleasing to Him.  A child will do bad things when he doesn’t think his parents are watching, but when he is aware of his parent’s presence he is more likely to behave himself.  The Lord is always present and He always perceives, therefore we should live according to that truth.  2.)  “..and prosper thy way.”  The Lord sent and angel to guide and direct the servant to Rebekah.  God prospered his way or made his endeavor successful.  God will never lead you astray.  The servant understood that if God would direct him then the obvious conclusion was that God would prosper him.  We must understand the meaning of the word, prosper.  When we think of prospering, we think of health and wealth.  The word literally means ‘to make successful.’  This is important to understand because sometimes God leads us into time of trouble and difficulty.  Sometimes God allows us to be tested and suffer for His name.  Job was following the Lord, but was allowed to go through great trials and tribulations.  We see this truth in the life of many Bible characters and we know it to be true in our own personal lives.  How do we justify the two statements?  It seems like a contradiction to say that God’s leading always results in prospering, but God’s leading can result in suffering and persecution.  The Bible tells us in Romans 8:28- And we now that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.  The Bible doesn’t say that everything is good, but rather that everything works together for good.  We may have some potholes along the narrow road, but the final destination is for our good and His glory.  The Apostle Paul, for example, followed the leading of the Lord when he was told by the Spirit of God to go to Macedonia (Acts 16:9-10).  Paul followed the leading of the Lord and ended up beaten and in prison (Acts 16:23).  But that’s not the end of the story!  Paul is released from prison and leads the jailor and his family to Christ (Acts 16:30-33)!  Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, was falsely accused and thrown into prison, but eventually became a ruler in Egypt and saved his household.  Following God may have troubles along the way, but the end result is prosperity!  Your way will be prospered as long as you are going God’s way. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Vs.37- “And my master made me swear; saying, Thou shalt not take a wife to my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose land I dwell:”- The servant relays the oath his master made him take, and the charge he gave him.  (Gen.24:3)

Vs.38- “But thou shalt go unto my father’s house, and to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son.”- The servant continues to tell his errand and repeat in their hearing his master’s command to him (Gen.24:4).  The family is now beginning to understand the servant’s purpose in meeting with them.  The servant will continue to relay the story through vs.48.


One-Line Explanation- The servant relays to Rebekah’s family the oath Abraham caused him to make.


Lesson:  1.)  The Spirit’s Message.  Eliezer, a type of the Holy Spirit, simply relays the message given to him by Abraham.  John 16:13- Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:  for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak:  and he will shew you things to come.  The Holy Trinity never acts independently.  All three parts of the Godhead are in tune and work harmoniously in salvation’s plan.  The Holy Spirit only speaks those things that are given Him to speak by the Father; just as Eliezer simply repeated the message given by Abraham.  John 14:10- Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?  The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself:  but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.  Jesus also spoke the exact words that the Father had for Him to speak.  I am told by people all of the time that the Spirit led them to do something.  They will tell me of some crazy endeavor or doctrine that they now believe because the Spirit told them or led them.  This Biblical principle must be understood.  Jesus and the Word of God cannot be separated.  Jesus is the Word of God incarnate.  He is called the Word of God on numerous occasions.  The Godhead never acts independently.  The Spirit is the author of the Word of God and Jesus is the Word of God incarnate.  THE SPIRIT WILL NEVER LEAD YOU OR TEACH YOU CONTRARY TO THE CLEAR TEACHINGS OF THE WORD OF GOD.  The Spirit of God relays the message of the Father and is in harmony with the Son.  People talk about some experience they had and attribute that experience to the Holy Spirit.  I will respond by saying, “Where do you get that belief or practice from in the Bible?  Is there a passage of Scripture that teaches that?”  They will respond by saying no, but they know what they felt and they know what they experienced.  They are confident that The Spirit did something to them or through them.  I am quick to tell them that it was not The Spirit, but it very well could have been A spirit.  1 John 4:1- Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God:  because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  The Bible tells us that the spirit of Anti-Christ is already in the world.  Just because you felt a spirit doesn’t mean that it was God’s Spirit.  We are commanded to test or try the spirits to see if they are of God.  If some spiritual experience you had causes you to believe or practice things contrary to the Bible then it is not the Spirit of God!  The Holy Spirit will always be faithful to the message and the errand given by the Father!  2.)  The Spirit’s Role.  I hope you have realized the typology used in this passage by now.  Abraham represents God the Father, Isaac represents God the Son, and the servant represents God the Spirit.  It is said of the servant that ‘he ruled over all that he had’ (Vs.2).  It is said of the son ‘unto him hath he given all that he hath.’  The Son of God owns all that the Father has and the Spirit of God manages all that the Father has.  The Godhead is co-equal, but all three parts of the Godhead definitely have different roles.  The Son has been given authority over all creation.  It is all created by Him and for Him.  Salvation is found in the Son.  It is the Son that will rule and judge the earth.  The Spirit has three jobs I see in this passage. A.)  Relays the message.  It is the Spirit of God who gave us the written content and the inward conviction. 2 Pet.1:21- For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of men:  but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.  John 16:8- And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.  The Holy Spirit gave us the Bible.  He gave us the Words of God by moving on men to write Scripture.  He also reproves us, or convicts us.  The word convict literally means to convince.  The Spirit gives us the Scriptures to read outwardly and then works on us inwardly to convince us of its truth!  The Holy Spirit manages the message.  B.)  Resides in the Believer.  Eliezer not only relayed the message to the family, but he also stayed with them in their home.  When we accept the Gospel message then the Holy Spirit takes up residence inside of us.  The Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit dwells within us.  We call this the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Once we have accepted Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit who comes to live inside of us and He helps us to live the Christian life on a daily basis.  Whether or not we live right depends on whether or not we allow the Spirit to have control in our lives.  C.)  Restrains the corruption.  2 Thes.2:7- For the mystery of iniquity doth already work:  only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.  The Bible teaches that the spirit of Anti-Christ and apostasy is already in the world, but it is being restrained.  The word let in the King James means to withhold or restrain.  The Holy Spirit is restraining the spirit of Anti-Christ from taking over and corrupting this world in complete lawlessness and rebellion against God.  The Spirit will one day be taken out of this world and that is when the Anti-Christ will come to power.  I personally believe that this takes place at the rapture of the church.  The Holy Spirit, therefore, has a restraining ministry.  He manages this world and keeps this world from being taken over by evil and corruption.  Eliezer is with Rebekah, a type of the church, for now, but he will eventually take Rebekah back to the Father’s house to be with the Son!  And we say like John, “Even so come Lord Jesus.” 

Friday, October 4, 2013


Vs.36- “And Sarah my master’s wife”- Bethuel, Laban, and Rebekah would know who Sarah was.  Sarah was a family member in one of two ways.  1.)  She was the daughter of Terah (Abraham’s father), but had a different mother than Abraham (Gen.20:12).  This seems to be the most likely possibility to me.  2.)  Many believe the woman described as Iscah (Gen.11:29), the daughter of Haran, is in fact Sarah, Abraham’s wife.  Haran had three children mentioned in Gen.11, Lot, Milcah, and Iscah.  If Sarah is the daughter of Haran, then she would be Abraham’s niece and Terah’s granddaughter.  Grandparents were referred to as fathers and mothers in Biblical times.  Therefore, in Gen.20, when Abraham says that she is the daughter of his father, he could be speaking of her descending from her father as a grandchild.  I personally believe the first theory to be true.  She is directly called the daughter of Terah in the same sense that Abraham is the son of Terah and the name Sarai is mentioned in Gen.11.  Why would she be mentioned under two different names in the same passage? It would seem clear that Sarai and Iscah are two different people.  Either way, however, the family being addressed would have some sort of relation to Sarah and know who she is.

“bare a son to my master when she was old,”- The servant quickly tells the story of the supernatural birth of Isaac and of God’s special and miraculous favor shown to Abraham and Sarah.

“and unto him hath he given all that he hath.”- The financial blessings bestowed upon Abraham have already been revealed.  The servant will soon tell his errand and desire concerning Rebekah being Isaac’s wife.  Isaac is heir of two things.  1.)  Possessions. All of the flocks, herds, silver, gold, and servants mentioned in the previous verse are to be inherited by Isaac.  This is important for Rebekah and her family to know.  Why?  Because if she is going to move 400 or more miles away then they want to make sure that she is provided for.  Isn’t this what parents want to know before they give a young man permission to marry their daughter?  They want to know that he will work and provide for her needs.  They want to know that he will provide a roof over her head, have money to buy groceries, and means to take care of health needs and emergencies.  2.)  Promises.  Isaac is not just an heir of material possessions, but he is the heir of the promises given to Abraham from God (Gen.12:1-3).  Abraham was promised… A.)  That he would become a great nation.  The promise passed on to Isaac and then to Jacob.  The nation of Israel, God’s national people, did not come through Ishmael and it did not come later through Esau.  Isaac was an heir of the promise of becoming a patriarch of the nation of Israel.  B.)  That he would be a blessing to the whole world.  The blessing to the whole world was a promise that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, would come from the posterity and lineage of Abraham.  The genealogy of Christ is traced throughout Scripture.  Isaac was promised that through his line the Messiah would come.  Jesus did not come through the line of Ishmael or Esau.  Jesus came from the line of Isaac and Jacob. 


One-Line Explanation- The servant tells Rebekah and her family about his master’s wife and son.


Lesson:  “Unto him hath he given all that he hath.”  1.)  Practical Lesson.  The servant told Rebekah’s family about Abraham’s riches that were all given to Isaac.  This was done to put them at ease concerning her provision before he asked about Rebekah becoming Isaac’s wife.  A man is not ready to marry until he is ready to provide for his wife.  The man is responsible for making sure that her needs are met. 1 Tim.5:8- But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.  This verse is speaking about taking care of widows in your family, but the principle applies that the leader of a household should take care of the needs of his family.  I have counseled young couples who want to get married.  I will ask, “Do you have a job?  Do you have a home?”  I am amazed when they tell me that they don’t have a job, they don’t have a home, and they don’t have transportation but they will ‘live on love.”  Such a statement sounds good, but it greatly lacks wisdom.  I always say the following to a man who makes such a statement to me, “If you love her then why don’t you prove it by proving that you will provide for her needs.”  The Bible states that a man should not get married until he is ready to provide for his spouse.  Pro.24:27- Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house.  Prepare yourself for marriage before you enter into it.  Prepare yourself with a job and an education and a home and transportation (prepare your work in the field) before you try to begin building your house.  A young man should be ready to leave his father’s house, including his father and mothers provision, before he gets married.  Gen.2:24- Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.  A man is supposed to leave his father and mother when he gets married.  If you can’t provide for your wife without having assistance from your parents; then you are not ready to get married.   I am not referring to your parents helping you a little bit to get into your first house.  I am talking about living in your parent’s basement and needing your parent’s constant help to make it.  2.)  Pictorial Lesson.  Isaac is a type or a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Abraham, a picture of our heavenly Father, has given to Isaac, a picture of the Miraculous Son, all that he has! John 3:35- The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand.  Jesus has been given everything from the Father.  A.)  Creation.  He owns all of creation.  Jesus is the creator of all things.  Col.1:16-17- For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers; all things were created by him, and for him.  (17) And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.  Jesus is the creator and sustainer of all things.  The universe exists because Jesus spoke it into existence and the universe continues to exist because Jesus is the glue that holds everything together.  The Universe was not only created by Jesus, but it was created for Jesus.  He owns everything.  Nothing we have is our own.  We are simply stewards of the things we possess.  We are living on borrowed time. Psa.24:1- The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.  Everything is God’s and God has placed everything in the hands of His Son.  Jesus has complete ownership and control over this universe.  The angels of heaven's glory are at the beck and call of the Messiah.  Even the fallen angels and Lucifer must obey God’s voice and get permission for their actions.  The heavens and the earth are the work of his hands and He has complete right and control over them.  B.)  Salvation.  The Father has committed all things concerning the salvation of mankind into the hands of the Son.  Whether a person goes to heaven or hell depends on their relationship to the Son of God.  The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation and the Gospel is the good news of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Son of God.  All spiritual things are given in his hands to dispose to those who trust Him.  He gives the gifts of the Spirit; He gives grace, mercy, justification, sanctification, adoption, perseverance, etc.  He has been given all power in heaven and earth (Mat.28:18).  C.)  Administration.  To administer means to act as minister or chief agent, in managing public affairs, under laws or a constitution of government, as a king, president, or other supreme officer.  Jesus manages the affairs of… i.)  The Church.  He is the head of the church (Col.1:18).  The way a women is to be subject to her husband is illustrated by the fact that the church, the bride of Christ, is subject unto Christ (Eph.5:24).  Some believe that the church is under the authority of the Pope or a Bishop or a Denomination; but, none of these are true!  Jesus is the head of the church.  He is the leader and owner of the church.  It is HIS church.  Ii.)  The World.  John 5:22- For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.  Jesus is the one who will judge the earth one of these days.  It is Jesus that the lost will stand before at the Great White Throne judgment.  It is Jesus that will return at the battle of Armaggedon, set up His 1,000 year reign on earth, and judge the nations.  Jesus has been given the power and authority to judge the earth by the Father.  All things have been committed into his hand; unto him hath he given all that he hath!