Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Genesis 24:10

Vs.10- “And the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master, and departed:- The servant, with a few other servants, went on this 400-600 mile journey.  He took 10 camels with him.  1.)  The animal.  Camels were very common for transportation in Abraham’s time.  Job was said to have had 3,000 camels (Job 1:3).  There were many camels available in the Middle East.  Camels were good for transportation because… A.)  Their two humps were good for carrying cargo.  B.)  They were well adapted to the hot and dry climate.  C.)  They could travel for long periods of time without water by storing water in their humps.  2.)  The number.  Why did this servant take ten camels?  The answer seems quite simple to me.  He took this many camels because he was going on a long journey and needed to take much luggage.  A 400-600 mile journey would take about 17 days to accomplish.  They did not have airplanes they travelled on and checked their bags.  They didn’t have cars or trailers to pack their luggage.  They also didn’t have rest stops and gas stations along the way if they ran out of food.  The servant needed these ten camels to pack all of the necessities for a long journey.  This may also be the number of other men that travelled with him.  We do not know how many travelled with him, but it is said that he took other men on the journey.  The number 10 in the Bible denotes ‘Completion of Divine Order.’  There were 10 Commandments stating God’s requirements and man’s responsibility.  There were 10 plagues in Egypt that brought a complete deliverance of God’s people from Egypt.  The Lord requires man to give a tithe, which means a tenth of our goods.  This shows that by giving a tenth we recognize that the whole belongs to God.  There will be a ten nation confederacy that ushers in the Anti-Christ.  I try not to over-spiritualize things, but it is interesting to me that in this story that pictures the calling out of the Bride for the Son that there are 10 camels in vs.10.  This could easily mean absolutely nothing and I do believe that you can go overboard with numbers in Bible Study.  God’s completion of Divine Order shows man’s responsibility and God’s requirement and also that God has a plan that will eventually be fulfilled in entirety.  God has sent His Holy Spirit into the world to call out a Bride for His Son.  There will come a day when the last person is saved and the Bride of Christ is complete; God’s divine order will have reached completion.  God has a divine plan and man has a responsibility.  It is man’s responsibility to respond to the Holy Spirit and trust Christ as their personal Saviour.  3.)  The owner.  Abraham, the master, is the owner of the ten camels.  The servant was given access to anything he needed to accomplish the task at hand. 

for all the goods of his master were in his hand:”- Remember Vs. 2 of this chapter told us that the servant ‘ruled over all that he had.’  Abraham trusted this servant and allowed him to be in charge of all of his vast wealth.  Abraham allowed the servant to use anything he needed.  He left the entire operation in his hands.

and he arose, and went to Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahor.”- The servant left for Mesopotamia.  Nahor is the brother of Abraham; so, it would make sense that the servant would go to the specific location of Abraham’s kindred from which he is under oath to find a wife from.  The city of Nahor is Haran.  Gen.11:26-32 explains a lot of interesting things about Haran.  Haran was the other brother of Nahor and Abraham.  Haran is the father of Lot.  Haran was the first of the three brothers to pass away.  Nahor, Abraham’s other brother, married Milcah, Haran’s daughter.  The father of these three is Terah and he is said to have died in the land of Haran; which is where Nahor and the rest of the family now reside.  It would seem that they named the land they moved to after their deceased brother (and son). 


One-Line Explanation:  The servant heads out to find a wife for Isaac.


Lesson:  1.)  Be like a camel.  Camels have a high endurance under duress because they retain so much water.  Water is compared to the Word of God in the Scriptures.  We need to take in God’s Word, but we also need to retain God’s Word.  We need to hide God’s Word in our hearts that we might not sin against Him.  2.)  The number 10 reminds us that there is a Divine Order of completion.  God has requirements of man and God’s plan will be complete when it is all said and done.  There were ten virgins in Jesus’ parable; some were part of the wedding and the others were left behind.  We need to make sure that we are prepared to meet God; we need to make sure that we are part of the Bride.  God has a requirement to get to heaven and that is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.  The old preacher, Percy Ray, once said that he believed a man had ten fingers and ten toes for a reason.  If that individual rejected Christ and went to hell, he could look on his hand and count the number of times that God dealt with him about salvation.  I am not sure how often God deals with a man about salvation, but you do realize that God’s spirit will not always strive with man.  The Bible talks about God giving men over to reprobation.  If you are not saved then you need to get saved while God is dealing with you, because it just may be that he will not send his servant with his ten camels your way again!  3.)  God has given us the tools to be effective servants for him.  Like the servant in the story, we too are servants of the most High God.  Abraham gave this servant everything he needed to accomplish his task.  God has given us, as children of God, everything we need to accomplish the commission he has given to us.  He said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and earth.”  Then He said, “Go ye therefore.”  He said, “Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me.”  God does not ask us to do things that he does not enable us to do.  God has commissioned us to make disciples, but he has also enabled us to make disciples.  Everything the Master owns is at the servant’s disposal! 

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