Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Genesis 24:13-14

Vs.13- “Behold, I stand here by the well of water; and the daughters of the men of the city come out to draw water:”- Behold means to look upon or direct your attention to.  The servant is continuing his prayer and asks the Lord to take notice of him.  He said, “Look at me; I’m standing at this well of water and the women of the city are coming to draw water.”    

 Vs.14- “And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also:  let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master.”- The servant now makes a specific request.  He has asked the Lord to make his endeavor fruitful, but now he is asking that the Lord would make it evident that He has answered the servant’s prayer.  He is asking God to provide a wife for his master’s son, but how will he know which one is the right one?  How will he know if God has answered his prayer?  He asks God to make this clear to him.  His specific petition is simply this:  The servant is saying something like this, “Lord, I am standing at this well trying to do what my master has asked me to do.  I am seeking your will and your favor in this endeavor.  I am standing here where it is customary for the women of the city to come out and draw water.  How will I know that you have heard my prayer?  God if you will make my way prosperous, I pray that you will also make it evident that you have heard my petition.  Lord will you please do this for me?  I am going to ask the women to give me a drink.  I pray that you would reveal the woman that is chosen for Isaac by having her offer me and my camels a drink of water.”


One-Line Explanation- The servant asks God to reveal Isaac’s future wife to him. 


Lesson:  There are great lessons on prayer found in this passage.  1.)  He prayed about his position.  “Behold, I stand here by the well of water.”  The servant is saying take notice of me.  Look and see what I am doing and where I am.  This is an important statement in a few ways.  A.)  God knows where we are.  God is omnipresent.  The Bible says that the eyes of the Lord are everywhere.  Nothing escapes the all-seeing eye of God Almighty.  This is a negative if you are living in sin; but this is a positive if you are trying to do right and serve God and feel like no one knows or cares about your service.  God sees where you are and what you are doing.  B.)  It is important to speak to God about where you are and what you are attempting.  This seems like a contradiction to many.  If God knows where I am and what I need then why do I need to tell Him about it?  If God knows my needs before I pray then why do I pray?  Doesn’t that make prayer pointless?  People get so confused about the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man.  Sovereignty simply means that God makes the rules.  God has ordained that prayer is necessary to get petitions and needs met by God.  The Bible says that ye have not because ye ask not.  Yes, God knows exactly what you need; but He desires for you to speak to Him and ask Him for help.  God know exactly where you are, but it’s a good thing to state your case in prayer.  I believe in giving God reasons to answer your prayer.  You are revealing how serious you are about getting your petition answered by giving God reasons for answering your prayers.  God knew where the servant was, but in essence the servant was saying, “God, I am at this well; and I’m not here on vacation.  I came here because my master sent me.  I am here by your divine direction.  I am not here by chance or by accident.  You have sent me here for a reason and I am asking you to make my way prosperous.  I am asking you to prosper my way since it is you that brought me here in the first place.”  I pray this way all of the time.  I pray for our church and say things like, “Lord you called me to preach when I had other plans for my life, you led me to this place and to start this church.  God this was not my idea.  Lord do you see me here trying to do right and serve you?  Do you see me struggling financially?  Do you hear those that criticize and complain and condemn me while I try to do your will?  Lord, you brought me here and you know where I am.  You led me here.  Lord, this is your plan and your idea.  I pray that you would prosper this work and make your servant prosperous.  I pray that you would bless this church with souls, with unity, and with power.”  The servant stated where he was to the Lord.  I think it is perfectly within reason to state your position before God in asking a petition.  C.)  The servant was reminding himself of his position.  He may be saying to himself, “Why am I here?”  The answer is because ultimately God led him there.  Pastor, do you feel like you are serving in obscurity?  Christian, do you wonder why God has you going through the valley that you are going through.  I have asked myself many a time, “Why am I here?”  Why do I struggle to build this church?  Why do I work so hard with seemingly little reward?  The answer is simply because God put me here.  I am doing God’s will and He will lead, guide, and direct my steps.  The answer to that question is important.  Why am I here?  Jonah could have asked that question while he was in the belly of the whale and the answer would be because he rebelled against God.  Normally it is only you that can answer that question.  If you are in a difficult situation, but you know it is God’s will then take comfort.  God will help you and direct you.  Just stay where God put you.  If you are in trouble because of your own sin, then repent and get back in God’s will.  It’s just that simple.  2.)  He prayed Precisely.  I am reminded of the story my wife’s grandfather tells.  One day a tractor fell on him out in the country and he feared for his life.  He began to pray that a car would drive by his location.  God answered his prayer.  A car came down the road and passed right by him.  He then prayed that a car would drive by and STOP!  A little later someone came by and helped him out of his precarious situation.  He now says, “I learned to pray specifically!”  It is true that God can answer your prayer anyway He sees fit, but it is not wrong to pray specifically.  For example, don’t pray, “Lord save my family.”  I believe you should pray for each and every lost individual family member by name.  I don’t just ask God to bless our church.  I ask God to give us souls for our labor, more baptisms, add people to our church membership, and bring tithers.  We are seeking property for our church and I am praying to God for a specific piece of land right now.  I pray for every church member specifically and individually.  The servant was very specific in how he desired God to answer his prayer.   Let us learn to specify and clarify what it is we want God to do for us.  3.)  He prayed for Proof.  There are some out there that say you shouldn’t do this, but I find illustrations all throughout the Bible.  I believe you need to be careful about your spirit and attitude behind the prayer, but I think it is ok to ask God to make it evident that He has answered your prayer.  Gideon specifically asked God to make a fleece wet and then dry to make it evident to him that God was leading him.  God also allowed Gideon to hear the enemy claim that God was with Gideon to embolden and encourage him.  When Korah rose up in rebellion against Moses; Moses said, “If these men die the common death then the Lord has not sent me.”  (Num.16:28-29)  Moses said this was done so that the people would know that God sent him.  The book of Ezekiel proclaims judgments on many different nations.  The reason given is that ‘ye may know that I am the Lord.’  I ask God to answer my prayers in such a way that He gets the glory and that it is evident that it was the Lord that answered the prayer and did the work.  It was evident that God brought victory to the Israelites over the Egyptians.  Could the Israelites bring the plagues and open the Red sea?  God received the glory when Gideon’s army defeated the Midianites.  His army was grossly outnumbered and yet they never swung a sword.  It was God that received the glory for that.  My prayer is that God would answer my request in such a way that it is evident to me and others that His hand is in it.  A.)  I ask God to answer in a way that is evident to me.  If I am seeking God’s direction in my life or I desire favor in an endeavor; I want it to be evident to me that God is leading and God is helping.  B.)  I ask God to answer in a way that is evident to others.  I love to see other Christians encouraged because they see God answering prayer.  I love to see unbelievers dumbfounded because they can’t explain how something happened that you prayed for.  I desire God to answer prayers in such a way that it is evident that He is the one that brought it to pass.  How does God do this?  i.)  With timing.  On numerous occasions I have had money given to me or the church right when we needed.  If it came a day later it would have been too late and we wouldn’t have made the payment.  Why does God wait so long?  I believe its God showing us that it is Him that answered the prayer and provided for the need!  ii.)  With miracles.  I have heard testimonies of numerous people who had terminal cancer or some incurable disease and they called for the elders of the church like the Bible commands in the book of James and they were anointed with oil and God miraculously healed them.  The doctors can’t explain it, modern medicine can’t explain it, science can’t explain it; it must have been God!  I like to see the miracle of a changed life.  There are numerous people that were drug addicts, hateful, wretched, vile, filthy, and yet when they met Jesus they were changed.  Many a person has tried going to a psychologist, they tried self-help groups, they tried religion, and none of it worked; but when they met Jesus their life was radically transformed.  People can’t explain that!  It had to be God. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Genesis 24:12

Vs.12-“And he said, O LORD God of my master Abraham,”- Now that the servant has made the journey and is in a position to meet the women of the city, he begins to pray for the help of the Lord.  1.)  The servant calls on the LORD God (Jehovah Elohim).  This is the same terminology used by Abraham in this passage.  The servant has learned of God through his master’s example and teaching.  2.)  He calls on the ‘LORD God of my master Abraham.”  Why did he not take possession and call Jehovah his God?  There are three possible answers.  A.)  He did not know or claim Jehovah Elohim as his God.  I don’t believe this to be the case because he has sworn to his master, Abraham, by the LORD God of heaven, he was comforted by the fact that Abraham told him the Lord would send an angel before him, and because he is praying to the LORD in this passage.  People don’t usually pray to God if they don’t believe in Him.  B.)  He may use this terminology because God has identified with Abraham and made great promises to Him that are confirmed through the covenant of circumcision.  Later in history when people would pray to God they would say something like, “O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”  Jehovah God is identified over and over again as the God of Abraham.  3.)  This terminology could have been used because the servant was endeavoring in a task that involved Abraham.  It was his master Abraham that had caused him to swear, and it was for the benefit of his master’s family that he was now in Mesopotamia.  In essence he was saying, “O Lord you are the One who made great and precious promises to my master and I am calling to you on his behalf.” 

“I pray thee, send me good speed this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham.”- The servant is praying for one thing in particular and that is that the Lord would bring a wife back for Isaac.  In nature this prayer is supplication as well as intercession.  Supplication is the act of making an earnest petition to God.  Intercession is praying on the behalf of another.  1.)  He prays, “Send me good speed this day.”  This was a prayer of supplication for himself which ultimately is a prayer of intercession for another.  His success now would bring blessing to another later.  ‘Send me good speed’ means ‘give me success in my endeavor.’  He is attempting to do something for his master and he is praying that God will make his way prosperous.  He also prays for God to do it ‘this day.’  We need to be patient and trust God’s timing, but there is nothing wrong with praying for God to do something soon.  Sometimes we are in time sensitive situations and we need God to act quickly.  The children of Israel couldn’t be too patient when they were crying out to God at the Red Sea.  The Egyptian army was coming and they needed God to do something quickly.  David asked the Lord to answer His prayers speedily in a number of occasions.  For example, in Psalm 31:2, he asked the Lord to deliver him speedily.  The servant was asking for success in his endeavor and he was asking for it today.  2.)  ‘Shew kindness unto my master Abraham.’  This is a prayer of intercession.  He is asking on behalf of his master, Abraham.  His prayer is that God would show kindness or special favor to Abraham in this situation and provide a wife for his son. 



One-Line Explanation:  The servant prays for God’s blessing and help in finding a wife for Isaac.


Lesson:  1.)  You can have a great influence on those around you.  Remember what God said about Abraham earlier in the book of Genesis?  He said in Gen 18:19  ‘For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.’  This servant is a testimony to that.  He calls upon and trusts in the same God that his master does.  Abraham had influenced and taught his household.  This is a challenge to us to teach, instruct, and display the truth of Scripture to those in our homes, our schools, and our places of occupation.  Do you influence your coworkers for the cause of Christ?  Do you influence your schoolmates?  Do you influence your neighbors?  Do you influence your family?  2.)  In the Old Testament you will read of people praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  In the New Testament we pray in the name of Jesus.  Why?  A.)  Identification.  By saying, “O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” there is no doubt which God you are praying to.  When we pray in Jesus’ name we are identifying who we are speaking to.  It has become politically correct in our day to pray to God, but not use identifying terms such as the name of Jesus.  At various political gatherings it has been called inappropriate to pray in the name of Jesus.  They want you to pray to God and be as generic as possible so that the other ‘faith groups’ present will not be offended.  I believe in publicly identifying who it is that you are speaking to.  B.)  When you are praying in the name of Jesus you are praying that God’s will would be done and that God’s Son would be glorified.  This is primarily what it means to pray in Jesus’ name.  Praying in Jesus’ name does not mean that you will automatically get whatever it is that you have made request for.  Praying in Jesus’ name is saying that the purpose of your prayer is to bring about God’s perfect purpose and that God would be glorified in the fulfilling of the prayer.  When the servant in this story was praying in the name of the God of Abraham, he was praying that the divine covenants made with Abraham would be fulfilled by the God who made them.  C.)  There is power in the name of Jesus.  The name of Jesus can bring salvation, healing, help, and hope.  There is no other name that has the power of the name of Jesus.  Jehovah God could bring success to the servant’s endeavor.  There was no one else that could do what the LORD God of Abraham could do.  Praying to Allah, Buddha, Mary, or some saint will not get the job done.  There is power in the name of Jesus!  D.)  We pray in the name of Jesus because He is our mediator.  He is our great High Priest.  We go through Jesus to get our prayers to God.  We pray in His name because He is our mediator.  3.)  ‘Send me good speed.’  This is a prayer for success.  I don’t know anyone in their right mind that doesn’t want success in whatever it is they are trying to accomplish.  There is nothing wrong with asking God to bless your church, give favor to your family, increase the production of your business, etc.  Just don’t allow success to become your god.  We need to be like Job who proclaimed he would serve God in prosperity or in suffering.  We do not serve God just for what we can get out of God.  God is not a Genie in a bottle that will give us all of our heart’s desires.  We are promised tribulations, trials, and persecutions in this life; however, there is not one thing wrong with praying for God’s blessings and favor on your life.  4.)  ‘This day.’  The servant prayed for God’s immediate blessing.  Ultimately God has the sovereign right to choose how, when, or if He will answer your prayers; but, it is acceptable to pray for God’s immediate blessing.  For example, when I go out soul-winning, I am praying for God to allow me to see somebody saved ‘today.”  Many times God answers that prayer and allows me to see fruit.  I pray before our Sunday Morning service for a good response to the message TODAY!   Just recently I was trying to be a blessing to some new converts in our church.  This lady had a disease that required special medication and she could not find the medication anywhere.  She was in a panic and needed to find it soon for her health.  I was in the home with her and the man of the house looking for this medication.  We had a revival service that night and I needed to go soon.  I stopped and said, “Let’s pray.”  I basically prayed for God to show us where the medicine was and quick!  Within a minute of praying we had found the medicine!  I am a church planter and finances are short in supply sometimes.  A few weeks ago I looked at our bank account and we had $4.40 left in the account.  We had bills that were due and no money to pay them with.  My prayer was, “God I need a financial miracle and I need it today!”  God gave us $1,000 that same day from a very unlikely source and by the next Saturday we had $4,400 in the bank account.  God sent us money from everywhere within a week’s time!  There are occasions where you need God to answer prayer quickly!  Don’t be afraid to pray for immediate needs.  5.)  ‘Shew kindness unto my master, Abraham.’  This servant was an excellent help to his master.  This is the kind of guy that you want working for you or serving with you.  This was a man of intercessory prayer.  He was not a rebel who tried to usurp the authority of Abraham.  He was not a lazy bum who tried to get out of work.  He was not backbiter that accused and spoke evil of his master behind his back.  This was a man that loved and prayed for his master.  By the way, I believe these qualities go together.  We need church members at Berean Baptist that won’t criticize and have roast preacher behind their spiritual leaders back.  We need members that won’t gossip and criticize one another.  We need Christians that will pray for their preacher, pray for their church, pray for their missionaries, and pray for their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  I have found that if you love your Christian brothers and sisters then you will pray for them and the more you pray for them the harder it becomes to criticize and tear others down.  A praying Christian is normally a loving Christian, a praying Christian is normally a working Christian, a praying Christian is normally a Christian submissive to Biblical authority.  Are you rebelling against your God given authority?  Are you lazy and unwilling to get involved in Church programs?  Are you critical of the church and the pastor?  Maybe it’s time to get your heart right and pray for your preacher!  Are you at odds with your brothers and sisters in Christ?  Maybe it’s time to pray for them instead of backbiting!  This servant was a man of intercessory prayer!  There are so many people hurting, our country is quickly turning away from God, Christian children are becoming prodigals, there are millions lost and dying and going to hell and we spend our time criticizing those who are trying to make a difference.  God have mercy on us!  Let us pray for those who stand for the truth!  Let us pray for our God given authorities!  We need to be the right kind of servant and the right kind of servant is one who prays for others.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Genesis 24:11

Vs.11- “And he made his camels to kneel down without the city”- Camels were taught to kneel down for two reasons.  1.)  To unload their burden.  2.)  To rest from a long journey.  It has been stated that camels do not kneel down naturally.  John Gill in his commentary on this verse says, “It seems that this is what is not natural to them, but what they are learned to do: it is said (r),"as soon as a camel is born they tie his four feet under his belly, put a carpet over his back, and stones upon the borders of it, that he may not be able to rise for twenty days together; thus they teach him the habit of bending his knees to rest himself, or when he is to be loaded or unloaded.''  The camels were made to kneel so that they could rest.  They took their rest ‘without the city’ meaning right at the entrance of the city of Nahor.   

“by a well of water at the time of the evening, even the time that women go out to draw water.”-This was not just a random spot chosen by the head servant of Abraham.  There was a strategy involved here.  There was a certain time of day that the women would all come to the well to draw out water.  If your task is to find a wife for your Master’s son then it would seem like common sense to go to where the women are.  The women, after working all day, would travel to the well, some of them great distances, to draw water out of the well for the needs of their families.  Abraham’s servant had two practical goals in mind.  1.)  He had been on a long journey and he, the men with him, and the camels were all probably thirsty and needed something to drink.  2.)  He knew the custom of the land and knew that if he was going to meet a woman from Abraham’s family then this was the best way to do it. 


One-Line Explanation:  Abraham’s servant rests outside the city by a well to wait for the women of the city. 


Lesson:  1.)  Camels, apparently, do not kneel naturally.  They have to be broken before they will kneel.  Mankind is depraved and does not love or seek after God.  The natural man wants nothing to do with the things of God and does not wish to kneel before the King of Kings.  A man will not kneel naturally, he must be broken.  God brings a lost person to the place of brokenness and conviction over his sin to cause him to kneel and call upon the Saviour for mercy.  God also breaks the Christian over and over again to rid him of pride and cause him/her to kneel in humility before their King.  When Jesus fed the 5,000 with 5 barley loaves and 2 fish, He first broke the bread before he multiplied it.  God has to break us like we break animals before he can really use us.  2.)  God will do His part, but you must do your part.  Many individuals have this idea that God will just bring things to pass for them without any effort on their part.  For example, I went to college with guys that were praying for God to give them a godly wife, but they never spoke to any of the young ladies at the Bible College.  There are pastors that sit in their office all day and pray for God to let them see somebody saved, but they never go out give out the Gospel.  You can’t catch any fish if your hook isn’t in the water!  Even when Jesus did a miracle and caused Peter’s net to brake; Peter still had to throw the net in the water!  Joshua trusted God to deliver Jericho, but they still had to do their part and march around the walls.  God is the one who fights our battles, but we must be faithful to do what He told us to do.  Paul said, “Some plant, some water, but God gives the increase.”  It is still our responsibility to plant and water.  God is the one who causes plants to grow, but I can put a seed in the ground, fertilize it, and water it.  I can do my part.  If I don’t put a seed in the ground then a plant will not grow.  As a pastor, I have learned that I cannot build a true New Testament Church, but I can be faithful.  Jesus said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  He also said that we were to ‘go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”  We are commissioned to go, win, baptize, and teach.  If we will do our part, then God will do His part and build the church.  I do what I can and trust God to do what I cannot.  The servant of Abraham was trusting in God to work on the heart of a young lady so that she would follow him back to Canaan and marry Isaac.  However, he did everything that he could possibly do on his end.  He made sure that he was in a good spot to meet the young women of the city.  When we go out, commissioned as servants of God, we must knock on doors, give out tracts, and confront people in our everyday lives with the Gospel.  We cannot save anybody and we cannot change anyone’s heart; we simply do all that we can do and trust God to do the rest.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Genesis 24:10

Vs.10- “And the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master, and departed:- The servant, with a few other servants, went on this 400-600 mile journey.  He took 10 camels with him.  1.)  The animal.  Camels were very common for transportation in Abraham’s time.  Job was said to have had 3,000 camels (Job 1:3).  There were many camels available in the Middle East.  Camels were good for transportation because… A.)  Their two humps were good for carrying cargo.  B.)  They were well adapted to the hot and dry climate.  C.)  They could travel for long periods of time without water by storing water in their humps.  2.)  The number.  Why did this servant take ten camels?  The answer seems quite simple to me.  He took this many camels because he was going on a long journey and needed to take much luggage.  A 400-600 mile journey would take about 17 days to accomplish.  They did not have airplanes they travelled on and checked their bags.  They didn’t have cars or trailers to pack their luggage.  They also didn’t have rest stops and gas stations along the way if they ran out of food.  The servant needed these ten camels to pack all of the necessities for a long journey.  This may also be the number of other men that travelled with him.  We do not know how many travelled with him, but it is said that he took other men on the journey.  The number 10 in the Bible denotes ‘Completion of Divine Order.’  There were 10 Commandments stating God’s requirements and man’s responsibility.  There were 10 plagues in Egypt that brought a complete deliverance of God’s people from Egypt.  The Lord requires man to give a tithe, which means a tenth of our goods.  This shows that by giving a tenth we recognize that the whole belongs to God.  There will be a ten nation confederacy that ushers in the Anti-Christ.  I try not to over-spiritualize things, but it is interesting to me that in this story that pictures the calling out of the Bride for the Son that there are 10 camels in vs.10.  This could easily mean absolutely nothing and I do believe that you can go overboard with numbers in Bible Study.  God’s completion of Divine Order shows man’s responsibility and God’s requirement and also that God has a plan that will eventually be fulfilled in entirety.  God has sent His Holy Spirit into the world to call out a Bride for His Son.  There will come a day when the last person is saved and the Bride of Christ is complete; God’s divine order will have reached completion.  God has a divine plan and man has a responsibility.  It is man’s responsibility to respond to the Holy Spirit and trust Christ as their personal Saviour.  3.)  The owner.  Abraham, the master, is the owner of the ten camels.  The servant was given access to anything he needed to accomplish the task at hand. 

for all the goods of his master were in his hand:”- Remember Vs. 2 of this chapter told us that the servant ‘ruled over all that he had.’  Abraham trusted this servant and allowed him to be in charge of all of his vast wealth.  Abraham allowed the servant to use anything he needed.  He left the entire operation in his hands.

and he arose, and went to Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahor.”- The servant left for Mesopotamia.  Nahor is the brother of Abraham; so, it would make sense that the servant would go to the specific location of Abraham’s kindred from which he is under oath to find a wife from.  The city of Nahor is Haran.  Gen.11:26-32 explains a lot of interesting things about Haran.  Haran was the other brother of Nahor and Abraham.  Haran is the father of Lot.  Haran was the first of the three brothers to pass away.  Nahor, Abraham’s other brother, married Milcah, Haran’s daughter.  The father of these three is Terah and he is said to have died in the land of Haran; which is where Nahor and the rest of the family now reside.  It would seem that they named the land they moved to after their deceased brother (and son). 


One-Line Explanation:  The servant heads out to find a wife for Isaac.


Lesson:  1.)  Be like a camel.  Camels have a high endurance under duress because they retain so much water.  Water is compared to the Word of God in the Scriptures.  We need to take in God’s Word, but we also need to retain God’s Word.  We need to hide God’s Word in our hearts that we might not sin against Him.  2.)  The number 10 reminds us that there is a Divine Order of completion.  God has requirements of man and God’s plan will be complete when it is all said and done.  There were ten virgins in Jesus’ parable; some were part of the wedding and the others were left behind.  We need to make sure that we are prepared to meet God; we need to make sure that we are part of the Bride.  God has a requirement to get to heaven and that is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.  The old preacher, Percy Ray, once said that he believed a man had ten fingers and ten toes for a reason.  If that individual rejected Christ and went to hell, he could look on his hand and count the number of times that God dealt with him about salvation.  I am not sure how often God deals with a man about salvation, but you do realize that God’s spirit will not always strive with man.  The Bible talks about God giving men over to reprobation.  If you are not saved then you need to get saved while God is dealing with you, because it just may be that he will not send his servant with his ten camels your way again!  3.)  God has given us the tools to be effective servants for him.  Like the servant in the story, we too are servants of the most High God.  Abraham gave this servant everything he needed to accomplish his task.  God has given us, as children of God, everything we need to accomplish the commission he has given to us.  He said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and earth.”  Then He said, “Go ye therefore.”  He said, “Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me.”  God does not ask us to do things that he does not enable us to do.  God has commissioned us to make disciples, but he has also enabled us to make disciples.  Everything the Master owns is at the servant’s disposal! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Genesis 24:9

Vs.9- “And the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master- The servant, having full understanding of the oath, how he was to conduct himself in light of the oath, and the requirements and expectations of it, puts his hand under the thigh of Abraham to follow the ancient ritual used to sware an oath. 


This oath is quite interesting.  Many bible commentators have been puzzled by this ritual and there are many different opinions as to the meaning of it.  It really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of what is being said in the passage.  The point is that the servant is swearing that he will perform the task at hand.  There are three predominant views that I have read as to the purpose of this ritual or rite.  1.)  Some say that this is in respect to circumcision.  As we today would place our hand on the Bible (The book of God’s promise) they would place their hand on the area of circumcision which was the covenant of promise by God written in the flesh of man.  2.)  Some say that this is nothing more than a symbolic way of approaching in a humble servile manner.  As we have the gesture of bowing to someone who is of great importance so the servant would subject himself to this rite to show his subjection to the one he is making a covenant with.  3.)  Some believe that the idea is that if you don’t keep the oath you promised then may the descendants of the one you lied to rise up and deal with you.  It would seem that the ritual has the idea of swearing to Abraham, to the LORD God of Heaven, and to Abraham’s seed which are the people of promise. 

, and sware to him concerning that matter.”- The servant promised Abraham and God that he would go to Mesopotamia to find a wife for Isaac of the kindred of his master. 


One-Line Explanation:  The servant swears to the oath.


Lesson:  1.)  I like the fact that the servant found out all of the details of this contract with Abraham before he swore to abide by it.  This should be common sense, but you never make a commitment or sign a contract without first reading the entire contract or understanding in full the commitment you are making.  Our country has signed into law what is being called “Obama Care.”  It is amazing to me how many people in important positions have not read or fully understood the bill.  We are told that we will not fully understand it until it is passed.  That way of thinking is absolutely ludicrous!  The servant of Abraham trusted his master but would not sware to him until he had a full understanding of what he was committing to.  2.)  The servant wanted to know the full details of his commitment, because he was a man that kept commitments.  A man should be as good as his word.  If you commit to do something then you should be dependable.  Don’t get married unless you are willing to keep your oath to God.  You promised for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part.  A Christian individual should be someone that is dependable.  A Christian individual should be someone who keeps the commitments they have made.  Abraham’s servant had the character to follow through with the oath that he made with his master.  He wanted to know the details before he made the oath so that he was sure that he was faithful to his commitment. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Genesis 24:8

Vs.8- “And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee,”- I do not believe that Abraham doubted that God would provide a wife from Mesopotamia for his son.  This statement was given to settle in the mind of his servant what exactly it was he was swearing to do.  Abraham is easing the mind of his unsure servant by letting him know what he should do if the woman is not willing to come.   

“then thou shalt be clear from this my oath:  only bring not my son hither again.”- If there is not a woman of his family in Mesopotamia that will be willing to leave the land and follow him to Canaan then the servant was clear of his oath.  Abraham was letting the servant know what exactly his requirements were.  He was responsible to 1.)  Go to Mesopotamia.  He had to make the journey.  2.)  Find Abraham’s kindred.  The wife must come from Abraham’s family.  3.)  Find a single, virgin woman that is of marrying age from Abraham’s family.  4.)  Try and convince such a woman to forsake all she has known and follow him to marry his master’s son.  The servant was not responsible for the response of the woman.  He would try and convince and persuade her to come, but ultimately she had to make the decision to follow him and he was not held responsible for her decision.  Abraham then warns once again that it is imperative that Isaac not go to the land of Mesopotamia. 


Meaning of Names and Terms:

1.      Oath, n- A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath, implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury.


One Line Explanation- Abraham tells his servant that if the woman isn’t willing to follow him to marry Isaac then he is free from the oath he made.        


Lesson:  The servant of Abraham had certain requirements and expectations from his master.  We are the servants of God and have certain things that are required and expected of us as well.  1.)  He was expected to go.  He was to go to Mesopotamia.  Jesus also told us to go in Matt.28:19.  Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world…”  If we are not going soul winning and going into the highways and hedges to compel people to come in then we are not doing what is required of us as servants of God.  2.)  The servant was to find Abraham’s family.  The famous song, Amazing Grace, states- “I once was lost, but now am found; was blind but now I see.”  There are people that will become part of God’s family, but they are lost and must be given the Gospel so that they can find their way.  3.)  The servant was sent to find a virgin.  There were only so many people that qualified for this position.  We don’t have to be so picky.  The Bible tells us to preach the Gospel to every creature; it does not matter the color of their skin, their religious background, their financial status, or their cultural heritage.  The young lady had to be pure, but the bride we become a part of is made up of wicked, sinful people.  We did not have to be chaste and pure to become part of the bride, we became chaste and pure when we became a part of the bride!  In other words, I didn’t cleanup to get saved, I got saved and then Jesus cleaned me up!  4.)  The servant was sent to convince and persuade this woman to accept and commit to the son whom she had never met and forsake all to follow him.  This is exactly what we do when we go and witness in our community.  We are trying to persuade men and woman that they need to get saved and put their trust in the Son of God whom they have never seen and to take up their cross daily and follow Him.  We tell them that they need to leave Mesopotamia, they need to repent of their sin (have a change of mind about their sin), and put all of their faith and trust in the Son of God whom they have never seen.  5.)  The servant was not responsible for the response.  This is what we need to remember.  We can get discouraged when people do not receive Christ.  Some even become deceitful and change the message or disguise the message so that they can trick the individual into coming to the Son.  The commission is quite simple.  We are to give them the pure, unadulterated message of the Gospel and we are to do everything to convince and persuade individuals to trust Christ as their Saviour, but ultimately they must make the decision on their own to become a part of the bride.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Genesis 24:7

Vs.7- “The Lord God of heaven, which took me from my father’s house, and from the land of my kindred,”- 1.)  Abraham is Restating who it is that he serves.  He brought up the LORD God of heaven to begin this contract with his servant.  Now he is restating who he is serving and who this is all about.  The LORD (JEHOVAH, the self-existent one) God (One and only deity) of heaven (His eternal dwelling place.)  This name shows God’s person, power, and prominence.  2.) Abraham is Remembering what God has called him to do.  A.)  “Which took me from my father’s house, and from the land of my kindred,”- Abraham remembers that God has called him from something.  He called him to leave his family and to leave his home land of Mesopotamia. 

“and which spake unto me, and that sware unto me, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land;”- B.)  Abrahams remembers that God has spoken to him and promised him that his posterity would be given the land of Canaan.  (Gen.15:18)

“he shall send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from thence.”- 3.)  Abraham is Relying on the one who called him.  Abraham is trusting that the same God who called him will also provide for him.  Abraham is saying, “God called me away from my family and into the land of Canaan and told me that the promise land would be given to my children through Isaac, therefore, I know that God will provide a wife for my son. 

            Abraham states “he shall send his angel before thee.”  This statement can be one of two things.  1.)  It is a prophecy.  It could be that Abraham was stating the fact that an angel would prepare the way for the servant and would bring favor and success in this endeavor.  2.)  It is a prayer.  Abraham may be stating this as a prayer.  He may be voicing his desire for an angel to help the servant on his way.  I tend to lean toward the first explanation.  The reason some doubt this to be true is because Abraham says in the next verse, “And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee…”  If it was a prophecy of God’s provision then shouldn’t Abraham be confident in God’s ability to perform the task?  I believe Abraham was saying this, “God has called me from Mesopotamia to Canaan and has promised children for Isaac.  God will give Isaac a wife and he will send his angel to make sure this happens.  It may be that this takes place at this time, but if the woman is not willing to go then God will provide a wife another way.” 

            The word angel means “Messenger of God or Ambassador for God.”  An angel is not always what we think of as angels.  Preachers can be called angels because they are messengers sent from God.  This angel spoken of could be one of two things.  1.)  It could be an angel as the common person thinks of them.  This was a heavenly being with a purpose of going to prepare the way for the servant of Abraham so that he could have success in finding a wife for Isaac and thus fulfilling the promises of God.  2.)  This angel could have been Jesus Himself.  There are multiple times in the Bible where the angel of the Lord comes to someone and in reading the context we find out that it is God Himself in a human form.  We call this a theophany which means “appearance of God.”  Jesus would come to men in a pre-incarnate body.  We do not know that this is the case here, but it is a possibility. 


One Line Explanation- Abraham states that the God who called him from his home and gave him wonderful promises will provide a way for the servant in his task.      


Lesson:  We see in this passage a reliance on God.  A.)  Abraham relied on the person of God.  God is self-existent, all powerful, and ruling in Heaven.  As far as the heaven is above the earth so far is God above man.  God is not limited or taken by surprise.  God always has a plan and is always in control.  Abraham relied on the person of God Almighty.  We too can rely in the person of God.  God is righteous and executes right judgment.  In other words, God will always do what is right and we don’t have to worry about God treating us unfairly or letting things go unpunished and justice not taking place.  God is merciful and gracious.  We can rely on the fact that if we need forgiveness we can come to God and He will abundantly pardon because that is who He is.  God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.  He is a powerful God and has the ability to help us with whatever problem we have.  There are a multitude of other attributes of God that we could discuss and take comfort in.  We can rely on the person of God.  There are some people that you cannot rely on.  They can’t be trusted and you can put much stock in them, but you can always rely on the God.  B.)  Abraham relied on the promises of God.  The Bible tells us that it is impossible for God to lie.  If God makes a promise then we can put our trust in that promise.  Jesus promised that if we would believe in Him we would have everlasting life.  Jesus promised that if we believed in Him we would resurrect one day.  Jesus promised that in His Father’s house there are many mansions.  Jesus promised that if we asked we would receive, if we seek we will find, and if we knock the door will be opened unto us.  The Bible is chalk full of promises from God.  We can claim these promises that apply to us.  Abraham remembered that God promised to give his posterity the land of Canaan and he put his trust in the promises of God.  C.)  Abraham relied on the provision of God.  Abraham, knowing the promises of God and the situation at hand, was confident that God would provide an angel to prepare the way for the servant and ultimately would provide a wife for his son, Isaac.  Mat.6:33- But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.  God has promised to provide our needs and even our desires.  God has promised to take care of His own.  We do not need to worry about our daily needs, because we can rely on a God of provision.  Phi.4:19- But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Genesis 24:4-6

Vs.4- “But thou shalt go unto my country, and to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son Isaac.”- It is Abraham’s desire that his servant find a wife for him 1.)  In his own country.  Abraham’s country was Mesopotamia which included Chaldea.  Abraham is said to be from Ur of the Chaldees and also described in this passage and in Acts as being from Mesopotamia.  Mesopotamia is the name of the area of the Tigris-Euphrates river system. The name Mesopotamia, 'ăram nahărayim in the Hebrew tongue, literally means two rivers.   2.)  Among his own kindred.  The word kindred means ‘family.’  Some would say that this is a contradiction to scripture.  Why would God put a man and a woman together who were second cousins?  Doesn’t God condemn incest?  There are two possible explanations for this seeming contradiction.  1.)  Lev.18:6-18 speaks of sexual relations through marriage that are forbidden among close relatives.  In this passage we are commanded not to marry a parent, a step parent, a grandchild (grandparent), a sibling, an aunt or uncle, or a half sibling.  Interestingly enough is the fact that cousins are never mentioned.  Abraham knew that his family knew the Lord and he wanted his son to marry a daughter from his own family.  This is one explanation for this.  2.)  The other explanation is the fact that God allowed certain family relations before the giving of the law that are condemned practices now.  Adam and Eve were the first two people on earth.  One of the most asked questions is, “Where did Cain get his wife?”  The answer is quite obvious.  Cain married his sister.  There was no other option.  Because the population of the earth was much smaller in early human history, it seems that God allowed for close family marriages which are now condemned in Scripture after the giving of the law.  Abraham, for instance, married his half-sister Sarah.  This is without a doubt a condemned practice according to Lev.18.

One-Line Explanation- Abraham wants his servant to find a wife for his son from his own family.

Lesson:  1.) Mesopotamia is an interesting place to study about.  It is said to be the cradle of civilization in the west, but if you believe the Bible it is more than that; it is the cradle of civilization in general.  A.)  According to Gen.2, the Garden of Eden was located somewhere in Mesopotamia.  B.)  Abraham, the father of the nation of Israel, the one through whom the whole world would be blessed, is from Mesopotamia.  Three major world religions claim Abraham as their ‘founder.’  The three religions are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.  C.)  The Biblical Empires of Babylon and Medo-Persia were located in Mesopotamia.  D.)  Modern day Iraq makes up most of Mesopotamia, but also includes parts of Turkey, Syria, and Iran.




Vs.5- “And the servant said unto him, Peradventure the woman will not be willing to follow me unto this land:”- Abraham wants his eldest servant, Eliezer, to swear that he will bring a wife for his son from the land of Mesopotamia.  The servant has one question, one reservation, concerning this matter.  What if the woman will not be willing to travel to the land of Canaan?  This is a very real and relevant question.  There would be a great possibility that none of Abraham’s family would be willing to travel to a distant land.  Why would the woman not want to come to Canaan?  1.)  Distance.  No one knows for sure how far Abraham went from Ur in Mesopotamia to Canaan, but a conservative guess is around 600 miles.  Ur of the Chaldees was located somewhere in modern day Turkey and the land of Canaan is in modern day Iraq.  They would have to travel southeast through Syria to get to their destination.  A woman may not be willing to travel that far to get married.  My wife is from MS and I moved her to TX when we got married.  It was difficult for her to travel 450 miles with modern conveniences in travel.  We must realize that travelling that far is very difficult.  They did not travel by car, they travelled by camel.  There weren’t any gas stations and convenient stores along the way.  A woman may not be willing to travel such a distance in such conditions.  2.)  Leaving family.  Travel was more strenuous, it took longer, and it could be that if you moved from your family you may never see them again.  A woman may not want to travel away from her family.  My wife, when she left MS, still has the option of picking up her cell phone and speaking with her family any time she chooses.  This was not an option for a woman living at this time.  IT was a serious commitment to leave your home and family.  3.)  The unknown.  Although the woman in discussion would be leaving her hometown to marry a fellow family member, there is still the aspect of the unknown.  She has never met Isaac and probably has never met Abraham.  I’m sure that she knows who they are and has been told of them by her family, but could you imagine leaving everything you know with no promise of returning or seeing your family again to marry someone that you have never met?  Eliezer is obviously thinking about these factors.  He wants to be clear on his objective if he is going to travel so far and be in charge of such an important endeavor. 

must I needs bring thy son again unto the land from whence thou camest?”- The servant asks a follow up question.  If the woman isn’t willing to follow should he bring Isaac back to Mesopotamia?  He is not asking if he should bring Isaac back for a visit.  He is saying this:  “If the woman in question is not willing to travel to the land of Canaan to marry Isaac and it is your desire for Isaac to marry from your family, which all lives in Mesopotamia, should I bring Isaac back to Mesopotamia to marry and live?”  The question is concerning Isaac’s permanent dwelling.  The servant asked this because he is not ignorant of the calling of Abraham to the promised land nor of the promise of God to Abraham’s posterity through Isaac.  There are only three options in this oath.  1.)  The woman is willing to leave everything and travel 600 miles to marry Isaac.  2.)  The woman is not willing to leave Mesopotamia and Abraham is not willing to send Isaac back which results in Isaac never being married.  (It’s hard to have children when you don’t have a wife.  It is necessary for Isaac to have children if the promised blessings are to his offspring.)  3.)  Abraham allows Isaac to move back to Mesopotamia to marry and start a family.  Really, however, there Is only one option.  Abraham has been called out of Mesopotamia and he and his children are not to go back.  Isaac is supposed to marry someone from his family who all live in Mesopotamia.  Isaac has to produce children if the promise of God to Abraham is to be fulfilled.  This leaves only one option; the woman must leave everything and follow God’s leading to the land of Canaan.


Meaning of Names and Terms:

1.      Peradventure- By chance; perhaps; it may be.  Used as a noun for doubt or question.

One Line Explanation- The servant wants to know what to do if there aren’t any women from his family in Mesopotamia that will be willing to come to Canaan. 


Lesson:  1.)  We must be reminded once again that this story is a beautiful picture of the Spirit, pictured by the servant, being sent by the Heavenly Father, pictured by Abraham, to get a bride (the church), pictured by Rebekah, for his Son (Jesus Christ), pictured by Isaac.  There is a beautiful picture here of the balance between God’s sovereignty and man’s freewill.  There has been debate and argument for centuries over the issue of God’s sovereignty and man’s freewill.  I will not solve that problem today, but I believe in both.  Both principles are found in Scripture.  I want you to notice two things about the question asked in this passage.  A.)  The Spirit being sent by the Father to call out the bride shows us God’s sovereignty.  No one will be saved unless the Spirit of God convicts that individual and draws them to the Saviour.  B.)  The woman had to be willing to go.  The servant asked, “peradventure the woman will not be willing to follow me unto this land?”  God has made us free moral agents.  God is sovereign and sends His Spirit like the wind, which bloweth where it listeth, but it is man’s responsibility to respond to the Spirit of God when He comes to us in conviction.  I do not believe in irresistible grace.  Irresistible grace is the teaching that when God sovereignly chooses to save somebody, He will send His grace and it will be irresistible.  The individual will have no other choice but to be saved.  In Acts 7:51, Paul indicted the crowd, saying, “…ye do always resist the Holy Ghost.”  There are two powerful truths here.  i.)  God sovereignly sends His Holy Spirit to deal with you.  I believe God gives every man a chance to be saved; but understand, God’s Spirit does not always strive with man.  You can sin away your day of grace and become a reprobate and God will never deal with you again.  You better respond when the wind is blowing.  God is sending His servant to call you to salvation, but it is your responsibility to respond.  Ii.)  You must willingly accept Jesus Christ.  In God’s sovereignty He has chosen to allow us as free moral agents to choose to accept or reject Jesus Christ.  2.)  Abraham will answer the question in vs.6 and tell the servant the obvious answer to his question.  The son, Isaac, will not go back to Mesopotamia. The only way the woman was going to see Isaac was if she agreed to commit to marriage and she would not see him on her soil, but she would see him on his soil.  Jesus, the Son of God, lived on this planet in human form at one time; but if we want to see Him then we must commit to become part of the bride of Christ, the church, through salvation in the blood of Christ.  We won’t see the Son on this soil, but we will see him in heaven if we obey the voice of His servant!  3.)  God always has a plan.  God had promised Abraham that a nation would rise out of his loins.  God promised Abraham that through him all nations of the earth would be blessed.  God promised Abraham that his posterity would be as the stars in the sky for multitude.  All of this is contingent on Isaac having children.  The only way this is going to happen is if a woman from Abraham’s family makes the unlikely and uncommon choice of leaving everything behind to marry a man she has never met.  The servant may have been worried about the outcome of all of this, but none of this caught God off guard.  God knows the beginning from the end and He is in complete control.  God has a plan and knows how to bring His promises to pass.  You may be in a situation that seems impossible, but understand that God can always make a way and God always has a plan.


Vs.6- “And Abraham said unto him, Beware thou that thou bring not my son hither again.”- Abraham answers the servants question and also warns him in the answer.  Abraham tells the servant to beware of bringing Isaac back.  The word ‘beware’ means to take heed or to regard with caution.  Abraham wanted to stress the importance of Isaac staying in the land of Canaan.  There are just a few things I want to note in this verse.  1.)  “Bring not my son HITHER AGAIN.”  Had Isaac ever been to Mesopotamia?  Abraham left Ur of the Chaldees when he was 75 years of age.  Isaac was born in the land of Canaan.  Abraham has been journeying in the Promised land for some time now and there in no record of him ever returning.  I think Abraham is simply speaking from his perspective.  He came from Mesopotamia and was called by God to leave his homeland and leave his relatives to go to the land of Canaan.  The promise was given to Abraham and to his seed and therefore it was important that his family not return to the land.  2.)  “BEWARE thou that thou bring not my son hither again.”  This was not just a suggestion by Abraham, but rather a strong warning.  Why was this so important?  Abraham did not have 12 sons like Jacob will have.  Abraham has one son, Isaac.  We understand that Ishmael is not the promised seed.  All that Abraham owns of the Promised Land is a burial site.  The hope of the Promised Land, the chosen people of God, and the blessing to come to the whole world is all dependent upon Isaac.  So, you see, it is important that he stays put and doesn’t face the lure of going home.

One Line Explanation- Abraham warns his servant not to bring Isaac back to Mesopotamia.    


Lesson:  1.)  When God calls you away from something, it is very rarely the will of God for you to go back.  God called Abraham and his family out of Mesopotamia and God did not want them to go back to live there.  God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt under the leadership of Moses.  Multiple times the children of Israel desired to go back to Egypt, but God did not want them back in Egypt.  God has called us out of the world.  We are to be separated from ungodliness, but many Christians go right back to the worldly mess they were in before salvation.  It is not God’s design or desire for you to return to the state He called you out of.  2.)  “Bring not my son hither again.”  A.)  Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land with the rest of the children of Israel.  Do you know why?  He was told to strike the rock the first time and water came forth.  The second time he was told to speak to the rock and it would give water, but instead he struck the rock again.  We are told that the rock represented Jesus Christ.  Jesus was struck on the cross of Calvary and now living water springs forth to all who are willing to partake.  Now when we need something from the Lord all we have to do is speak to Him.  Jesus was crucified, but He will never be crucified again.  There was one sacrifice for all of the sins of mankind.  What does that have to do with this passage?  There are many people who believe that Jesus must continually be sacrificed for their sins.  The Catholics believe that Jesus is being offered as a sacrifice every time they partake of the Eucharist.  The Father says concerning His Son, “Bring not my son hither again.  Quit striking the rock.”  B.)  Let me say to born again Christians that you too need to make application here.  The Bible tells us that Christ lives in us.  The person of the Holy Spirit indwells the believer.  The Bible tells us that we are the temple of the Holy Ghost and we can quench or grieve the spirit by our actions.  To every born again individual who is spending their time in the bar rooms of America; could it be that God is saying, “Bring not my son hither again!”  To the Christian that spends time in another woman’s home in adultery, to the lustful man that goes to adult book stores, to the multitude of Christians that go to Hell-ywood movies that promote immorality and perversion, to the multitude of Christians that go to the beach and partake in mixed nudity could it be that God is saying, “Bring not my son hither again.”