Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Genesis 24:9

Vs.9- “And the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master- The servant, having full understanding of the oath, how he was to conduct himself in light of the oath, and the requirements and expectations of it, puts his hand under the thigh of Abraham to follow the ancient ritual used to sware an oath. 


This oath is quite interesting.  Many bible commentators have been puzzled by this ritual and there are many different opinions as to the meaning of it.  It really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of what is being said in the passage.  The point is that the servant is swearing that he will perform the task at hand.  There are three predominant views that I have read as to the purpose of this ritual or rite.  1.)  Some say that this is in respect to circumcision.  As we today would place our hand on the Bible (The book of God’s promise) they would place their hand on the area of circumcision which was the covenant of promise by God written in the flesh of man.  2.)  Some say that this is nothing more than a symbolic way of approaching in a humble servile manner.  As we have the gesture of bowing to someone who is of great importance so the servant would subject himself to this rite to show his subjection to the one he is making a covenant with.  3.)  Some believe that the idea is that if you don’t keep the oath you promised then may the descendants of the one you lied to rise up and deal with you.  It would seem that the ritual has the idea of swearing to Abraham, to the LORD God of Heaven, and to Abraham’s seed which are the people of promise. 

, and sware to him concerning that matter.”- The servant promised Abraham and God that he would go to Mesopotamia to find a wife for Isaac of the kindred of his master. 


One-Line Explanation:  The servant swears to the oath.


Lesson:  1.)  I like the fact that the servant found out all of the details of this contract with Abraham before he swore to abide by it.  This should be common sense, but you never make a commitment or sign a contract without first reading the entire contract or understanding in full the commitment you are making.  Our country has signed into law what is being called “Obama Care.”  It is amazing to me how many people in important positions have not read or fully understood the bill.  We are told that we will not fully understand it until it is passed.  That way of thinking is absolutely ludicrous!  The servant of Abraham trusted his master but would not sware to him until he had a full understanding of what he was committing to.  2.)  The servant wanted to know the full details of his commitment, because he was a man that kept commitments.  A man should be as good as his word.  If you commit to do something then you should be dependable.  Don’t get married unless you are willing to keep your oath to God.  You promised for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part.  A Christian individual should be someone that is dependable.  A Christian individual should be someone who keeps the commitments they have made.  Abraham’s servant had the character to follow through with the oath that he made with his master.  He wanted to know the details before he made the oath so that he was sure that he was faithful to his commitment. 

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